Screening Adequacy of Unstained Fine Needle Aspiration Samples
Using a Deep Learning-based Classifier
by Junbong Jang, Young Kim, Brian Westgate, Yang Zong, Caleb Hallinan, Ali Akalin, Kwonmoo Lee
This project is done in collaboration with UMass Medical Center to automatically detect follicular clusters in the FNA thyroid biopsy samples smeared on unstained slides and classify the adequacy of the unstained slides for further diagnosis.
This repository includes the codes for running our Slide Scanner and FNA-Net. Codes for MARS-Net and Faster R-CNN can be obtained from different repositories.
- Works in Ubuntu v16.04, v18.04, Windows 10, and Mac OS.
- Python v3.8/v3.10
- Tensorflow v2.2 & CUDA v10.1 or Tensorflow v2.4 & CUDA v11.3
- Download this repository
- Install Python v3.8/v3.10 and Python packages listed in requirements.txt
- Go to
- Download
- Fiona-1.8.19-cp38-cp38-win_amd64
- GDAL-3.2.3-cp38-cp38-win_amd64
- rasterio-1.2.3-cp38-cp38-win_amd64
- Install them in the following order
- pip install Fiona-1.8.19-cp38-cp38-win_amd64
- pip install GDAL-3.2.3-cp38-cp38-win_amd64
- pip install rasterio-1.2.3-cp38-cp38-win_amd64
Please note that the user needs our Slide Scanner to perform this step. Alternatively, the user can build a custom slide scanner and use our code to run the scanner.
- Connect to Arduino mounted in our Slide Scanner
- Connect to Amscope USB camera
- Run machine_control/
Then, the slide scanner will automatically move the slide and take photos of the entire slide within a few minutes.
We assume that the user has the dataset comprised of images and their masks indicating the pixel-wise location of the follicular clusters.
- Move the dataset into the assets folder
- store image files in the images folder
- store mask files in the masks folder
- Randomly split the dataset into training, validation and test set by running
- data_processing/
- Convert mask labels to ground truth boxes by running
- data_processing/
- Store the coordinates of the ground truth follicular boxes as the numpy file in the generated folder
- Our ground truth boxes are stored in generated/ground_truth_boxes.npy
- Download MARS-Net from the Github repository
- Follow the instructions in MARS-Net repository for installation.
- To train the best model, set self.strategy_type = 'FNA_VGG19_MTL_auto_reg_aut_input256_patience_10'
- To crop,
- MARS-Net/crop/
- Then, run the following Python scripts to train and evaluate the classifier
- MARS-Net/models/
- MARS-Net/models/
- MARS-Net/models/
- Store the coordinates of the detected follicular boxes as the numpy file in the generated folder
- Our detected follicular boxes are stored in generated/MTL_auto_reg_aut_boxes.npy
For a detailed explanation on training the object detection model, please refer to documents for Tensorflow Object Detection API at
- Download "Faster R-CNN Inception ResNet V2 640x640" from
- In its pipeline.config file, change "fine_tune_checkpoint", "label_map_path", "input_path" based on user's path and set num_classes to 2
- Convert image and mask dataset into the tfrecord format
- Train the model to detect two classes by using assets/label.pbtxt
- Detect follicular clusters on the test set images
- Store the coordinates of the detected follicular boxes as the numpy file in the generated folder
- Our detected follicular boxes are stored in generated/faster_640_boxes.npy
This section calculates the area overlap between the ground truth mask and the prediction boxes and visualizes follicular cluster detection results per image. Also, it performs the hierarchical bootstrapping and visualizes its summary statistics and precision-recall curves of models.
- In the evaluation/, edit the root_path variable to a user's FNA-Net project path under if name == "main".
- In the command prompt or terminal based on the user's operating systems, type
python evaluation/
- Then, the results are generated in the evaluation/generated folder