Garmin watch face using hands instead of numbers. the hands start at 12 o clock and traverses around the screen as regular watch hands. In the middle, the date is displayed. There are four watch hands, from the outside in:
Displays the current time the same way a regular hour hand on a watch does. You can see the time with what's usually enough precision, basically every 15 minutes or so.
Shows how close you are to your set activity goal for the week.
Shows how many calories you have burned during the day. Due to not figuring out the settings system and not having enough energy to research more, a goal is compiled in. It is currently set to 1500 above average MBR (2000 kcal).
Shows how close you are to reaching the step goal for the day.
Very simple, and reasonably clean. Not sure if I like it yet.
A small number is added next to each counter for each doubling of the goal. If your step goal is 5000 and you take 5001 steps, the number will be 1 and the arrow will point straight up.
There are two main ways to install this watchface
Connect your device to the computer and drop the correct binary for your device in the /GARMIN/APPS-folder.
Compile it from source using the Garmin SDK
If you need to resize the icons there is a script for this in the resources/drawables-folder called renderImages. This script can be used to render images in any size. Keep in mind that the different icons have different visual impacts, so a slight modification to the script might be needed for sizes other than 15, or 20px. The script automatically updates drawables.xml.
After using the "build for device wizard", transfer the built binary per the instructions above.
Note: If you are changing the colors, remember to update the drawables file aswell, since garmin does not allow you to repaint icons in run time.
Icons where downloaded from The Noun Project The icons used are:
None at the moment
Screenshots are located in the screenshots directory.