Spark Multi-element Combinatory Boltzmann Plot is an OES-based approach to deduce the number concentration ratio of two elements present in a spark discharge plasma employed for binary NP generation in the gas phase. It is aimed to provide a tool for investigating the evolution of the concentration ratio corresponding to the ablated electrode materials in spark-based NP generators under real operational conditions. The method is based on the construction of a Boltzmann plot for the spectral line intensity ratios at every combination. The produced plots (the so-called multi-element combinatory Boltzmann plots, MEC-BPs) are directly related to the LTE plasma temperature and the number concentration ratio of the neutral atoms. The total concentration ratio – including ions – is calculated from a simple plasma model, without requiring further measurements.
More in our article here.
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- Installation
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You can install the package using pip:
pip install spark-mec-bp
The program can be run in the following way:
from spark_mec_bp import application
config = application.AppConfig(
atom_name="Au I",
ion_name="Au II",
target_peaks=[312.278, 406.507, 479.26]
atom_name="Ag I",
ion_name="Ag II",
target_peaks=[338.29, 520.9078, 546.54]
atom_name="Ar I",
ion_name="Ar II"
app = application.App(config)
result =
As shown above, the App class needs to be instantiated with its config, an instance of AppConfig.
The AppConfig itself can be configured with instances of the following config (sub)classes:
SpectrumConfig: configures parameters related to spectrum.
SpectrumConfig( file_path="spark_mec_bp/application/test/test_data/input_data.asc", wavelength_column_index=0, intensity_column_index=10 )
Currently it can only read tabulated ascii spectrums:
443.40219 33719.7 10634.2 443.42908 31275.6 10916.1 443.45596 32166.2 10073.6 443.48285 31270.6 8646.38 443.50974 28468.9 8518.12
- file_path: path to read ascii spectrum from
- wavelength_column_index: column index of the wavelengths, starting from zero
- intensity_column_index: column index of the intesities to use for calculation, starting from zero
SpeciesConfig: configures parameters for a species to estimate the concentration ratio for:
SpeciesConfig( atom_name="Au I", ion_name="Au II", target_peaks=[312.278, 406.507, 479.26] )
- atom_name: neutral atom form of the target species.
- ion_name: ion form of the target species
- target_peaks: list of peaks to be used for concentration calculation
⚠️ As the program uses the NIST database to query atomic data, atom and ion name parameters must conform with NIST query conventions. For more information see: -
CarrierGasConfig: parameters related to the carrier gas. Used for electron concentration estimation.
CarrierGasConfig( atom_name="Ar I", ion_name="Ar II" )
- atom_name: neutral atom form of the target species
- ion_name: ion form of the target species
SpectrumCorrectionConfig: configures parameters related to spectrum correction. It uses the Asymmetrically Reweighted Penalized Least Squares Smoothing (arPLS) algorithm
SpectrumCorrectionConfig( iteration_limit=50, ratio=0.00001, lam=1000000 )
- iteration_limit: number of iterations to perform
- ratio: wheighting deviations: 0 < ratio < 1, smaller values allow less negative values
- lam: parameter that can be adjusted by user. The larger lambda is, the smoother the resulting background
PeakFindingConfig: configures parameters related to peak finding. For more information see scipy documentation.
PeakFindingConfig( minimum_requred_height=2000 )
- minimum_requred_height: Required height of peak
VoigtIntegrationConfig: configures parameters related the calculations of peak integral intensities.
VoigtIntegrationConfig( prominence_window_length=40 )
- prominence_window_length: A window length in samples that optionally limits the evaluated area for each peak to a subset of x. For further information see scipy documentation.
The program provides the following results as an instance of a result class:
- original_spectrum the original spectrum (numpy.ndarray)
- corrected_spectrum: the corrected spectrum (numpy.ndarray)
- baseline: the calculated baseline (
- peak_indices: the detected peak indices (numpy.ndarray)
- intensity_ratios: intensity ratios (numpy.ndarray)
- fitted_intensity_ratios: fitted intensity ratios (np.ndarray)
- total_concentration: the total calculated concentration ratio of the two target elements (float)
- temperature: the plasma temperature (float)
- first_species_atomic_lines: the atomic lines data for the first species (numpy.ndarray)
- second_species_atomic_lines: the atomic lines data for the second species (numpy.ndarray)
- first_species_integrals_data: data related to integration of first species (VoigtIntegralData)
- second_species_integrals_data: data related to integration of second species (VoigtIntegralData)
The integral data contains the following properties:
- integrals: the integrals calculated for the selected peaks (numpy.ndarray)
- fits: List of integral fits with the containing items having the follow properties:
- fit: the fitted line (numpy.ndarray)
- wavelengths: wavelengths used for integral calculation (numpy.ndarray)
- intensities: the respective intensities (numpy.ndarray)
Example usage:
app = application.App(config)
result =
To validate the results the lin pair deviations can be checked using the LinePairChecker class:
from spark-mec-bp.validation import LinePairChecker
line_pair_checker = LinePairChecker()
AuI_linepair_check = line_pair_checker.check_line_pairs(
AgI_linepair_check = line_pair_checker.check_line_pairs(
f"{config.first_species.atom_name} linepair deviations: {AuI_linepair_check}"
f"{config.second_species.atom_name} linepair deviations: {AgI_linepair_check}"
To be able to further analyize the results some predifined plots are also provided as methods of a separate Plotter class:
from spark_mec_bp.plotting import Plotter
plotter = Plotter()
xlim=[400, 410],
ylim=[0, 2000],
plotter.plot_voigt_fit("Au I", result.first_species_integrals_data.fits)
plotter.plot_voigt_fit("Ag I", result.second_species_integrals_data.fits)
The software can also be used to fetch data directly from NIST. All three forms (atomic lines data, atomic levels data, ionization energies) can be fetched, although some limitations are still present compared to the capabilities of the online forms.
Atomic lines data can be fetched using the AtomicLinesFetcher class:
from spark_mec_bp.nist import fetchers
atomic_lines_fetcher = fetchers.AtomicLinesFetcher()
atomic_lines_data = atomic_lines_fetcher.fetch(
spectrum="Ag I", lower_wavelength=400, upper_wavelength=800
The fetch function expects the following parameters:
- spectrum: name of spectrum to be fetched, conforming NIST conventions (str)
- lower_wavelength: lower wavelength of spectrum (int)
- upper_wavelength: upper wavelength of spectrum (int)
For more information regarding the form details and output see NIST atomic lines form.
Example output (truncated):
obs_wl_air(nm) | ritz_wl_air(nm) | unc_ritz_wl | obs-ritz | wn(cm-1) | Aki(s^-1) | fik | S(a.u.) | log_gf | Acc | Ei(cm-1) | Ek(cm-1) | conf_i | term_i | J_i | conf_k | term_k | J_k | g_i | g_k | Type |
"405.5476" | "405.54750" | "0.00003" | "0.0001" | "24651.06" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "29552.05741" | "54203.119" | "4d10.5p" | "2P*" | "1/2" | "4d10.6d" | "2D" | "3/2" | 2 | 4 | |
"408.343" | "" | "" | "" | "24482.3" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | |
"421.0960" | "421.09542" | "0.00005" | "0.0006" | "23740.87" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "30472.66516" | "54213.564" | "4d10.5p" | "2P*" | "3/2" | "4d10.6d" | "2D" | "5/2" | 4 | 6 |
Atomic levels data can be fetched using the AtomicLevelsFetcher class:
from spark_mec_bp.nist import fetchers
atomic_levels_fetcher = fetchers.AtomicLevelsFetcher()
atomic_levels_data = atomic_levels_fetcher.fetch(
"Ag I", temperature=2
The fetch function expects the following parameters:
- spectrum: name of spectrum to be fetched, conforming NIST conventions (str)
- temperature: temperature in eV to calculate partition function for (float)
For more information regarding the form details and output see NIST atomic levels form.
Example output (truncated):
Configuration | Term | J | g | Prefix | Level (cm-1) | Suffix | Uncertainty (cm-1) |
"4d10.5s" | "2S" | "1/2" | 2 | "" | "0.000000" | "" | "" |
"4d10.5p" | "2P*" | "1/2" | 2 | "" | "29552.05741" | "" | "0.00014" |
"4d10.5p" | "2P*" | "3/2" | 4 | "" | "30472.66516" | "" | "0.00022" |
"4d9.5s2" | "2D" | "5/2" | 6 | "" | "30242.298349" | "" | "0.000006" |
Partition function for Te = 5 eV: Z = 117.92
The ionization energies form can also be fetched using the IonizationEnergiesFetcher class:
from spark_mec_bp.nist import fetchers
ionization_energy_fetcher = fetchers.IonizationEnergyFetcher()
ionization_energies_data = ionization_energy_fetcher.fetch(
spectrum="Ag I"
The fetch function expects the following parameters:
- spectrum: name of spectrum to be fetched, conforming NIST conventions (str)
For more information regarding the form details and output see NIST ionization energies form.
Example output (truncated):
At. num | Sp. Name | Ion Charge | El. Name | Isoel. Seq. | Ground Shells (a) | Ground Config. | Ground Level | Ionized Level | Prefix | Ionization Energy (1/cm) | Suffix | Uncertainty (1/cm) |
"47" | "Ag I" | "0" | "Silver" | "Ag" | "[Kr].4d10.5s" | "4d10.5s" | "2S<1/2>" | "4d10 1S<0>" | "" | "61106.45" | "" | "0.20" |
(a) Designations used in the ground shell lists: [Kr] = 1s2.2s2.2p6.3s2.3p6.3d10.4s2.4p6
Data parsers are available to safely load and process the fetched data, which makes it possible to easily integrate NIST querying with other python codes.
The fetched tables are parsed into pandas dataframes, which is the only supported way, currently.
Atomic lines data can be parsed using the AtomicLinesParser class the following way:
from spark_mec_bp.nist import fetchers, parsers
atomic_lines_fetcher = fetchers.AtomicLinesFetcher()
atomic_lines_data = atomic_lines_fetcher.fetch(
spectrum="Ag I",
atomic_lines_parser = parsers.AtomicLinesParser()
parsed_data = atomic_lines_parser.parse_atomic_lines(atomic_lines_data)
Exampe output (truncated):
obs_wl_air(nm) | ritz_wl_air(nm) | unc_ritz_wl | obs-ritz | wn(cm-1) | Aki(s^-1) | fik | J_i | conf_k | term_k | J_k | g_i | g_k | Type |
405.5476 | 405.547500 | 0.000030 | 0.0001 | 24651.060 | NaN | NaN | 1/2 | 4d10.6d | 2D | 3/2 | 2.0 | 4.0 | NaN |
408.3430 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 24482.300 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
421.0960 | 421.095420 | 0.000050 | 0.0006 | 23740.870 | NaN | NaN | 3/2 | 4d10.6d | 2D | 5/2 | 4.0 | 6.0 | NaN |
Atomic levels data can be parsed using the AtomicLevelsParser class the following way:
from spark_mec_bp.nist import fetchers, parsers
atomic_levels_fetcher = fetchers.AtomicLevelsFetcher()
atomic_levels_data = atomic_levels_fetcher.fetch(
spectrum="Ag I",
atomic_levels_parser = parsers.AtomicLevelsParser()
parsed_data = atomic_levels_parser.parse_atomic_levels(atomic_levels_data)
partition_function = atomic_levels_parser.parse_partition_function(atomic_levels_data)
Example output for table (truncated):
Configuration | Term | J | g | Prefix | Level (cm-1) | Suffix | Uncertainty (cm-1) |
4d10.5s | 2S | 1/2 | 2.0 | NaN | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN |
4d10.5p | 2P* | 1/2 | 2.0 | NaN | 29552.057410 | NaN | 0.000140 |
4d10.5p | 2P* | 3/2 | 4.0 | NaN | 30472.665160 | NaN | 0.000220 |
4d9.5s2 | 2D | 5/2 | 6.0 | NaN | 30242.298349 | NaN | 0.000006 |
4d9.5s2 | 2D | 3/2 | 4.0 | NaN | 34714.226430 | NaN | 0.000100 |
Example output for partition function:
Ionization energy data can be parsed using the IonizationEnergyParser class the following way:
from spark_mec_bp.nist import fetchers, parsers
ionization_energy_fetcher = fetchers.IonizationEnergyFetcher()
ionization_energy_data = ionization_energy_fetcher.fetch(
spectrum="Ag I",
ionization_energy_parser = parsers.IonizationEnergyParser()
parsed_data = ionization_energy_parser.parse_ionization_energy(ionization_energy_data)
Exampe output:
At. num | Sp. Name | Ion Charge | El. Name | Isoel. Seq. | Ground Shells (a) | Ground Config. | Ground Level | Ionized Level | Prefix | Ionization Energy (1/cm) | Suffix | Uncertainty (1/cm) |
47 | Ag I | 0.0 | Silver | Ag | [Kr].4d10.5s | 4d10.5s | 2S<1/2> | 4d10 1S<0> | NaN | 61106.45 | NaN | 0.2 |
If you have general or usage questions or having trouble using the program, feel free to open an issue.
If you have technical/scientific questions contact us.
If you use our program in your research or project, please consider citing our article:
Kohut, A., Villy, L. P., Kohut, G., Galbács, G., & Geretovszky, Z. (2023). A Calibration-Free Optical Emission Spectroscopic Method to Determine the Composition of a Spark Discharge Plasma Used for AuAg Binary Nanoparticle Synthesis. Applied Spectroscopy, 77(12), 1401–1410.
You can find the full article here.