Programming Assignment for reading FAT32 File System for Operating Systems Created by Kolten Sturgill And Mary Huerta
This is a user space shell application that is capable of interpreting a FAT32 file system image called "mfs". The utility does not corrupt the file system image.
g++ mfs.c -o mfs
or by using the makefile located in this repo
At the start of the program it prints out a prompt of mfs>
when it is ready to accept input.
Note: this program shall supports relative paths and absolute paths.
open <filename>
Opens a fat32 image. Filenames of fat32 images shall not contain spaces.
Closes the fat32 image.
Prints out information about the file system
stat <filename> or <directory name>
Prints the attributes and starting cluster number of the file or directory name.
get <filename>
Retrieves the file from the FAT 32 image and place it in your current working
cd <directory>
Changes the current working directory to the given directory.
ls <directory>
Lists the directory contents.
Prints the volume name of the file system image