GUI app for controlling the immittance meter E7-28, conducting experiments, measurements, plotting graphs and saving results in different formats.
rs232; baud rate: 9600; paritet: false; stop: 1
app->lcr 0xAA, NUM_COMMAND, [parameters]
lcr->app 0xAA, NUM_COMMAND, [parameters]
Command | APP ask | LCR answer | Info |
lcr name | 0xAA, 64 | 0xAA, 64, "E728" | |
turn on avp | lcr (0xAA, 65) | lcr (0xAA, 65) | |
turn off avp | (0xAA, 66) | (0xAA, 66) | |
set frequency | (0xAA, 67, f4, f3, f2, f1) | (0xAA, 67) | f1, f2, f3, f4 - 4 bytes of integer number |
set bias | (0xAA, 70, U1, U0) | (0xAA, 70) | U1, U0 - 2 bytes (int16) * 10 |
reset | (0xAA, 71) | (0xAA, 71) | |
get info | lcr (0xAA, 72, 0) | (0xAA, 72, flags, mode, slow, diap, U1, U0, f3..f0, Z3..Z0,fi3..fi0) | see below \/ |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Get info command
flags: bits
0 - AVP
1 - Current (not available)
2 - Restart
3 - Parameter autoset
4 - Equivalence circuit (1-parallel, 0-series)
7 - The measurement cycle is complete
mode: parameter from leyboard?
0- F1..3- F2
slow: measurement speed
0 - fast
1 - normal
2 - averaging over 10
diap: measurement range
0 - 10 MOm
1 - 1 MOm
2 - 100 kOm
3 - 10 kOm
4 - 1 kOm
5 - 100 Om
6 - 10 Om
7 - 1 Om
Uсм1, Uсм0: 2 bytes (int16) * 10
f3..f0: 4 bytes (int32) working frequency
f3..f0: 4 bytes (float) complex impedance module for the final equivalent circuit
fi3..fi0: 4 bytes (float) phase angle for the last equivalent circuit
real, float is transferred to radians (fi*57.2957795)
|Y| = 1/|Z|; fiy = -fiz(parallel equivalent circuit)
Rs = |Z|*Cos(fiz); Xs = |Z|*Sin(fiz)
Gp = |Y|*Cos(fiy); Bp = |Z|*Sin(fiy)
Rp = 1/Gp; Xp = 1/Bp
Gs = 1/Rs; Bs = 1/Xs
C = 1/2*pi*f*X; L = 2*pi*f*X
- - connection with simple script
- - collect all byte-commands
- - draw simple gui with main functional
- - mode switcher
- - plots
to be continue...
# run qt-designer
# convert ui to python code
pyside6-uic main.ui -o