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koterpillar committed Jun 21, 2017
2 parents 4d747a3 + 4458cce commit 9f06f79
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Showing 16 changed files with 99 additions and 1,009 deletions.
191 changes: 87 additions & 104 deletions src/Fetcher/Arpansa.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,57 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Fetcher.Arpansa where

{- Fetch UV alert data from ARPANSA. -}

import Codec.Picture

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Series

import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Simple

import Fetcher.Arpansa.Base
import Fetcher.Arpansa.CharacterRecognizer
import Fetcher.Base
import Fetcher.HTTP
import Types
import Types.Config
import Types.Location
import Utils

arpansaFetcher :: Fetcher
arpansaFetcher = Fetcher "ARPANSA" fetchArpansa (map fst addresses)

addresses :: [(Location, String)]
addresses = map makeLocation [ (sa, "Adelaide", "adl")
, (nt, "Alice Springs", "ali")
, (qld, "Brisbane", "bri")
, (act, "Canberra", "can")
, (nt, "Darwin", "dar")
, (tas, "Kingston", "kin")
, (vic, "Melbourne", "mel")
, (nsw, "Newcastle", "new")
, (wa, "Perth", "per")
, (nsw, "Sydney", "syd")
, (qld, "Townsville", "tow")
data ArpansaLocation = ArpansaLocation { _alLocation :: Location
, _alLongitude :: T.Text
, _alLatitude :: T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
makeLenses ''ArpansaLocation

instance Show ArpansaLocation where
show l = "ArpansaLocation (" ++ l ^. alLocation . locCity ++ ", " ++ show (l ^. alLatitude) ++ ", " ++ show (l ^. alLongitude) ++ ")"

addresses :: [ArpansaLocation]
addresses = map makeLocation [ (sa, "Adelaide", "-34.92", "138.62")
, (nt, "Alice Springs", "-23.7", "133.8")
, (qld, "Brisbane", "-27.45", "153.03")
, (act, "Canberra", "-35.31", "149.2")
, (nt, "Darwin", "-12.43", "130.89")
, (tas, "Kingston", "-42.99", "147.29")
, (vic, "Melbourne", "-37.73", "145.1")
, (nsw, "Newcastle", "-32.9", "151.72")
, (wa, "Perth", "-31.92", "115.96")
, (nsw, "Sydney", "-34.04", "151.1")
, (qld, "Townsville", "-19.33", "146.76")
where makeLocation (state, town, abbr) = (Location "Australia" state town, cityAddress abbr)
cityAddress abbr = "" ++ abbr ++ "_rt.gif"
where makeLocation (state, town, lat, lon) = ArpansaLocation (Location "Australia" state town) lon lat
act = "Australian Capital Territory"
nsw = "New South Wales"
nt = "Northern Territory"
Expand All @@ -56,82 +61,60 @@ addresses = map makeLocation [ (sa, "Adelaide", "adl")
vic = "Victoria"
wa = "Western Australia"

data ForecastPointT time = ForecastPointT
{ _fpTime :: time
, _fpForecast :: Maybe UVLevel
, _fpMeasured :: Maybe UVLevel
} deriving (Show, Functor)
makeLenses ''ForecastPointT

fpMeasurement :: ForecastPointT time -> (time, UVLevel)
fpMeasurement pt =
(pt ^. fpTime, fromMaybe (UVLevel 0) (pt ^. fpMeasured <|> pt ^. fpForecast))

parseArpansaTime :: Monad m => String -> m LocalTime
parseArpansaTime = parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%F %R"

instance FromJSON (ForecastPointT LocalTime) where
parseJSON =
withObject "forecast point" $ \o -> do
date <- o .: "Date" >>= parseArpansaTime
forecast <- fmap UVLevel <$> o .:? "Forecast"
measured <- fmap UVLevel <$> o .:? "Measured"
return $ ForecastPointT date forecast measured

data ArpansaForecastT time = ArpansaForecastT
{ _afPoints :: [ForecastPointT time]
} deriving (Show, Functor)
makeLenses ''ArpansaForecastT

instance FromJSON (ArpansaForecastT LocalTime) where
parseJSON =
withObject "forecast" $ \o -> ArpansaForecastT <$> o .: "GraphData"

fetchArpansa :: AppM [Forecast]
fetchArpansa = do
manager <- liftIO $ newManager defaultManagerSettings
fmap catMaybes $ forM addresses $ \(loc, address) -> do
logStr $ "Fetching graph for " ++ loc ^. locCity ++ "..."
logErrors address $ do
graphBytes <- fetchHTTP manager address
logEither (decodeImage graphBytes) $ \graphImage -> do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
logEither (parseGraph loc graphImage time) $ return

parseGraph :: Location -> DynamicImage -> UTCTime -> Either String (Maybe Forecast)
parseGraph loc image updated = do
let uvLine = selectBestLine image
let graph = map graphCoordinates uvLine
date <- parseDate image
let timeToUtc = localTimeToUTC' (locTZ loc) . LocalTime date
let alertTimes = map (first timeToUtc) graph
return $ buildForecast loc updated alertTimes

forecastLineColor :: PixelRGB8
forecastLineColor = PixelRGB8 248 135 0

actualLineColor :: PixelRGB8
actualLineColor = PixelRGB8 153 255 255

selectPixels :: PixelRGB8 -> DynamicImage -> [ImageCoord]
selectPixels color (ImageRGB8 image) = filter colorMatches indices
where colorMatches (x, y) = pixelAt image x y == color
indices = [(x, y) | x <- [0..imageWidth image - 1]
, y <- [0..imageHeight image - 1]]
selectPixels _ _ = [] -- TODO: Support image types generically?

isLegend :: ImageCoord -> Bool
isLegend (x, y) = x > 740 || y > 460

selectForecastLine :: DynamicImage -> [ImageCoord]
selectForecastLine = filter (not . isLegend) . selectPixels forecastLineColor

selectActualLine :: DynamicImage -> [ImageCoord]
selectActualLine = filter (not . isLegend) . selectPixels actualLineColor

selectBestLine :: DynamicImage -> [ImageCoord]
selectBestLine img =
averageValues $ actualLine ++ filter (\(x, _) -> x > actualEnd) forecastLine
forecastLine = selectForecastLine img
actualLine = selectActualLine img
-- take a low value in case no actual line is drawn yet
actualEnd = fromMaybe 0 $ maybeMaximum $ map fst actualLine

-- | Filter the values to a single (maximum) Y value for every X value
averageValues :: [ImageCoord] -> [ImageCoord]
averageValues = map (maximumBy compareY) . groupBy sameX
sameX (x1, _) (x2, _) = x1 == x2
compareY = compare `on` snd

graphLevel :: Int -> UVLevel
graphLevel = UVLevel . round . extrapolateLevel . realToFrac
where extrapolateLevel :: Double -> Double
extrapolateLevel = extrapolate (0, 438) (16, 106)

graphTimeOfDay :: Int -> TimeOfDay
graphTimeOfDay = floatToTod . extrapolate (t6, 83) (t20, 723) . realToFrac
-- TODO: use picosecondsToDiffTime and diffTimeToPicoseconds from time 1.6
where t6 :: Float
t6 = todToFloat $ TimeOfDay 6 0 0
t20 :: Float
t20 = todToFloat $ TimeOfDay 20 0 0
todToFloat :: TimeOfDay -> Float
todToFloat = realToFrac . timeOfDayToTime
floatToTod :: Float -> TimeOfDay
floatToTod = timeToTimeOfDay . realToFrac

type GraphCoord = (TimeOfDay, UVLevel)

graphCoordinates :: ImageCoord -> GraphCoord
graphCoordinates = first graphTimeOfDay . second graphLevel
baseRequest <- parseRequest ""
fmap catMaybes $ flip traverse addresses $ \loc -> do
logStr $ "Fetching graph for " ++ loc ^. alLocation . locCity ++ "..."
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let tz = loc ^. alLocation . to locTZ
logErrors loc $ do
let request =
baseRequest &
[ ("longitude", Just $ loc ^. alLongitude . to T.encodeUtf8)
, ("latitude", Just $ loc ^. alLatitude . to T.encodeUtf8)
, ( "date"
, Just $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" $
utcToLocalTime' tz time)
graphData <- responseBody <$> httpJSON request
let graphDataUtc = fmap (localTimeToUTC' tz) graphData
let graphPoints = graphDataUtc ^. afPoints
return $ buildForecast (loc ^. alLocation) time $
map fpMeasurement graphPoints

arpansaFetcher :: Fetcher
arpansaFetcher = Fetcher "ARPANSA" fetchArpansa $ map (view alLocation) addresses
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions src/Fetcher/Arpansa/Base.hs

This file was deleted.

100 changes: 0 additions & 100 deletions src/Fetcher/Arpansa/CharacterRecognizer.hs

This file was deleted.


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