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1 XStringTools.hpp: This file provides utility functions for string manipulation, such as trimming spaces from the start,
end, or both ends of a string, and replacing substrings within a string.
2 XObjectConfigurationSerializer.hpp: This class handles the serialization and deserialization of object configurations to
and from a file. It uses an IObjectConfigurator to configure objects.
3 XSimpleJsonParser.hpp: Contains a simple JSON parser function that extracts key-value pairs from a JSON string into a
map. It does not support nested objects or arrays.
4 XJpegEncoder.hpp: Defines a class for encoding images into JPEG format. It allows setting the compression quality and
whether to use faster compression.
5 XVideoSourceToWeb.hpp: This class connects a video source to a web server, allowing video frames to be served as JPEG or
MJPEG streams. It manages JPEG quality settings and provides handlers for web requests.
6 IObjectConfigurator.hpp: An interface for configuring objects by setting properties. It extends IObjectInformation to
provide property setting capabilities.
7 XObjectConfigurationRequestHandler.hpp: Defines web request handlers for configuring objects and providing information
about object properties. It uses IObjectConfigurator and IObjectInformation.
8 XImage.hpp: Encapsulates image data and provides methods for image manipulation, such as allocation, cloning, and
copying. It supports different pixel formats.
9 IObjectInformation.hpp: An interface for retrieving information about an object's properties. It provides methods to
get individual properties or all properties as a map.
10 IVideoSource.hpp: An interface for video sources that provide continuous video frames. It includes methods for
starting, stopping, and checking the status of the video source.
11 XError.hpp: Defines an error handling class with various error codes. It provides methods to check error status and
convert error codes to strings.
12 XInterfaces.hpp: Provides a base class Uncopyable to prevent copying and assignment of derived classes.
13 IVideoSourceListener.hpp: An interface for listening to video source events, such as receiving new video frames or
handling errors. It includes a helper class for chaining multiple listeners.
14 XImageDrawing.hpp: Provides static methods for drawing on images, such as lines, rectangles, and text. It uses the
XImage class for image manipulation.
15 XManualResetEvent.hpp: Defines a manual reset event for synchronization purposes. It provides methods to signal, reset,
and wait for the event.
16 XWebServer.hpp: Defines a web server class that can handle HTTP requests and serve content. It supports user
authentication and request handling through custom handlers.
17 XVideoFrameDecorator.hpp: A class for adding decorations to video frames, such as titles and timestamps. It allows
customization of overlay text and background colors.
These header files collectively provide a framework for handling video sources, encoding images, configuring objects, and
serving content over the web, with utilities for string manipulation, error handling, and synchronization.
In the context of the provided header files, the prefixes "X" and "I" are commonly used naming conventions in C++ to denote specific types of classes or interfaces:
1 "X" Prefix:
• The "X" prefix is often used to denote a class that is part of a specific library or framework. It can be seen as a
way to namespace or categorize classes, indicating that they belong to a particular module or component. In this
case, it seems to be used as a prefix for classes related to the "cam2web" project, which deals with video streaming
and web server functionalities.
2 "I" Prefix:
• The "I" prefix is typically used to denote an interface. In C++, interfaces are usually abstract classes that define
a set of pure virtual functions. These interfaces specify a contract that derived classes must fulfill. The "I"
prefix helps to quickly identify that a class is an interface, which is meant to be implemented by other classes.
These naming conventions help in organizing code and making it more readable by providing a quick indication of the role or nature of a class.