A Terraform module to manage a Tailscale VPN server - why not a bastion too - in your VPC.
You'll need a Tailscale account, and an auth key, to make use of the VPN.
The managed server also works as a bastion, fits nicely in use cases like allowing external access into a database from data extracting tools via SSH.
module "vpn" {
source = "d7oss/tailscale-vpn/aws"
version = "~> 0.0"
# Some metadata
env_name = "staging"
hostname = "vpn.${local.DOMAIN_NAME}"
# DNS (optional, manages "hostname" as a subdomain)
dns_zone_id = module.dns.zone_id
# Where to put the VPN server in the network
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
subnet_ids = module.vpc.public_subnets
# SSH connections
key_name = "my-ec2-key" # Optional, if you want to use an EC2 key
extra_ssh_users = [
{ name = "john", pubkey = "ssh-rsa ... john@john-laptop" },
{ name = "bi-tool", pubkey = "ssh-rsa ..." }
# Allow extra CIDR blocks, e.g. some external BI tool IP addresses
ingress_cidr_blocks = {
"ssh-from-bi-vendor" = {
cidr_blocks = [
protocol = "tcp"
port = 22
# Tailscale authentication
tailscale_auth_key = var.tailscale_auth_key
tailscale_advertise_routes = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]
module "database" {
# Allow database connection from peers connected to the VPN
ingress_security_groups = {
"psql-from-vpn" = { port = 5432, security_group_id = module.vpn.security_group_id }
- The Tailscale authentication key has to be REUSABLE and EPHEMERAL. This is because the VPN server may need to be replaced since we always use the latest Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
- The Tailscale authentication key has a maximum expiry of 180 days. Take note of your key's expiry somewhere. Once your VPN stops working, this will likely be the reason. This can certainly be improved with the right time and effort.
- Once the server authenticates to Tailscale, you'll need to enable its subnet routes in order to allow traffic from external nodes into resources in your private subnet. This can be done in the Machines page in Tailscale.