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React Native module for playing sound clips on Android using Google ExoPlayer


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React Native module for playing sound clips on Android. Creation of this module was inspired by Expo Audio - the same API is being used here. You should be using react-native-audio-exoplayer:

  • for projects with native code
  • when you need to play audio in the background (Expo does not yet support backgrounding)

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-audio-exoplayer --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-audio-exoplayer

Manual installation


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/

    On top, where imports are:

    import com.reactlibrary.ReactExoplayerPackage;

    Add the ReactExoplayerPackage class to your list of exported packages.

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    	return Arrays.asList(
        	    new MainReactPackage(),
    	        new ReactExoplayerPackage()
  2. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-audio-exoplayer'
    project(':react-native-audio-exoplayer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-audio-exoplayer/android')
  3. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:

      compile project(':react-native-audio-exoplayer')

Usage (Playing sounds)

import Sound from 'react-native-audio-exoplayer';

This class represents a sound corresponding to an Asset or URL.

const soundObject = new Sound();
try {
  await soundObject.loadAsync(require('./assets/beep.mp3'));
  await soundObject.playAsync();
  // Your sound is playing!
} catch (error) {
  // An error occurred!

A static convenience method to construct and load a sound is also provided:

Sound.create(source, initialStatus = {}, onPlaybackStatusUpdate = null)

Creates and loads a sound from source, with optional initialStatus, and onPlaybackStatusUpdate.


  1. source (object / asset) -- The source of the sound. The following forms are supported:

    • A dictionary of the form { uri: 'http://path/to/file' } with a network URL pointing to an audio file on the web.
    • require('path/to/file') for an audio file asset in the source code directory.
  2. initialStatus (PlaybackStatusToSet) -- The initial intended PlaybackStatusToSet of the sound, whose values will override the default initial playback status. This value defaults to {} if no parameter is passed. See below for details on PlaybackStatusToSet and the default initial playback status.

  3. onPlaybackStatusUpdate (function) -- A function taking a single parameter PlaybackStatus. This value defaults to null if no parameter is passed. See the documentation below for details on the functionality provided by onPlaybackStatusUpdate.


A Promise that is rejected if creation failed, or fulfilled with the following dictionary if creation succeeded:
sound : the newly created and loaded Sound object.
status : the PlaybackStatus of the Sound object. See the AV documentation for further information.

Playback API:

  • soundObject.loadAsync(source, initialStatus = {})
    Loads the media from source into memory and prepares it for playing. This must be called before calling setStatusAsync() or any of the convenience set status methods. This method can only be called if the soundObject is in an unloaded state.


(The same as for static Sound.create(source, initialStatus = {}, onPlaybackStatusUpdate = null), see the description above)


(The same as for static Sound.create(source, initialStatus = {}, onPlaybackStatusUpdate = null), see the description above)

  • soundObject.unloadAsync()
    Unloads the media from memory. loadAsync() must be called again in order to be able to play the media.


A Promise that is fulfilled with the PlaybackStatus of the soundObject once it is loaded, or rejects if loading failed. The Promise will also reject if the soundObject was already loaded. See below for details on PlaybackStatus.

  • soundObject.getStatusAsync()
    Gets the PlaybackStatus of the soundObject.


A Promise that is fulfilled with the PlaybackStatus of the soundObject. See below for details on PlaybackStatus.

  • soundObject.setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate(onPlaybackStatusUpdate)
    Sets a function to be called regularly with the PlaybackStatus of the soundObject. See below for details on PlaybackStatus and an example use case of this function.


onPlaybackStatusUpdate (function) -- A function taking a single parameter PlaybackStatus (a dictionary, described below).

  • soundObject.setStatusAsync(statusToSet)
    Sets a new PlaybackStatusToSet on the soundObject. This method can only be called if the media has been loaded.


statusToSet (PlaybackStatusToSet) -- The new PlaybackStatusToSet of the soundObject, whose values will override the current playback status. See below for details on PlaybackStatusToSet.


A Promise that is fulfilled with the PlaybackStatus of the soundObject once the new status has been set successfully, or rejects if setting the new status failed. See below for details on PlaybackStatus.
The following convenience methods built on top of setStatusAsync() are also provided. Each has the same return value as setStatusAsync().

  • soundObject.playAsync()
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ shouldPlay: true }).

  • soundObject.replayAsync(statusToSet)
    Replays the item. When using playFromPositionAsync(0) the item is seeked to the position at 0 ms.


statusToSet (PlaybackStatusToSet) -- The new PlaybackStatusToSet of the soundObject, whose values will override the current playback status. See below for details on PlaybackStatusToSet. positionMillis and shouldPlay properties will be overriden with respectively 0 and true.


A Promise that is fulfilled with the PlaybackStatus of the soundObject once the new status has been set successfully, or rejects if setting the new status failed. See below for details on PlaybackStatus.

  • soundObject.pauseAsync()
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ shouldPlay: false })

  • soundObject.stopAsync()
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ shouldPlay: false, positionMillis: 0 }).

  • soundObject.setPositionAsync(millis)
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ positionMillis: millis }).

  • soundObject.setRateAsync(value, shouldCorrectPitch)
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ rate: value, shouldCorrectPitch: shouldCorrectPitch }).


value (number) -- The desired playback rate of the media. This value must be between 0.0 and 32.0. Only available on Android API version 23 and later.
shouldCorrectPitch (boolean) -- A boolean describing if we should correct the pitch for a changed rate. If set to true, the pitch of the audio will be corrected (so a rate different than 1.0 will timestretch the audio).

  • soundObject.setVolumeAsync(value)
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ volume: value }).


value (number) -- A number between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (maximum volume).

  • soundObject.setIsMutedAsync(value)
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ isMuted: value }).


value (boolean) -- A boolean describing if the audio of this media should be muted.

  • soundObject.setIsLoopingAsync(value)
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ isLooping: value }).


value (boolean) -- A boolean describing if the media should play once (false) or loop indefinitely (true).

  • soundObject.setProgressUpdateIntervalAsync(millis)
    This is equivalent to soundObject.setStatusAsync({ progressUpdateIntervalMillis: millis }).


millis (number) -- The new minimum interval in milliseconds between calls of onPlaybackStatusUpdate. See setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate() for details.

Playback Status

Most of the preceding API calls revolve around passing or returning the status of the soundObject.


This is the structure returned from all playback API calls and describes the state of the soundObject at that point in time. It is a dictionary with the following key-value pairs.
If the soundObject is not loaded, it will contain the following key-value pairs:
isLoaded : a boolean set to false.
error : a string only present if the soundObject just encountered a fatal error and forced unload.

Otherwise, it contains all of the following key-value pairs:
isLoaded : a boolean set to true.
uri : the location of the media source.
progressUpdateIntervalMillis : the minimum interval in milliseconds between calls of onPlaybackStatusUpdate. See setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate() for details.
durationMillis : the duration of the media in milliseconds. This is only present if the media has a duration.
positionMillis : the current position of playback in milliseconds.
playableDurationMillis : the position until which the media has been buffered into memory. Like durationMillis, this is only present in some cases.
shouldPlay : a boolean describing if the media is supposed to play.
isPlaying : a boolean describing if the media is currently playing.
isBuffering : a boolean describing if the media is currently buffering.
rate : the current rate of the media.
shouldCorrectPitch : a boolean describing if we are correcting the pitch for a changed rate.
volume : the current volume of the audio for this media.
isMuted : a boolean describing if the audio of this media is currently muted.
isLooping : a boolean describing if the media is currently looping.
didJustFinish : a boolean describing if the media just played to completion at the time that this status was received. When the media plays to completion, the function passed in setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate() is called exactly once with didJustFinish set to true. didJustFinish is never true in any other case.


This is the structure passed to setStatusAsync() to modify the state of the soundObject. It is a dictionary with the following key-value pairs, all of which are optional.
progressUpdateIntervalMillis : the new minimum interval in milliseconds between calls of onPlaybackStatusUpdate. See setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate() for details.
positionMillis : the desired position of playback in milliseconds.
shouldPlay : a boolean describing if the media is supposed to play. Playback may not start immediately after setting this value for reasons such as buffering. Make sure to update your UI based on the isPlaying and isBuffering properties of the PlaybackStatus.
rate : the desired playback rate of the media. This value must be between 0.0 and 32.0. Only available on Android API version 23 and later.
shouldCorrectPitch : a boolean describing if we should correct the pitch for a changed rate. If set to true, the pitch of the audio will be corrected (so a rate different than 1.0 will timestretch the audio).
volume : the desired volume of the audio for this media. This value must be between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (maximum volume).
isMuted : a boolean describing if the audio of this media should be muted.
isLooping : a boolean describing if the media should play once (false) or loop indefinitely (true).
Note that a rate different than 1.0 is currently only available on Android API version 23 and later.
Note that volume and isMuted only affect the audio of this soundObject and do NOT affect the system volume.

So... Happy coding :)


React Native module for playing sound clips on Android using Google ExoPlayer







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