In this project we created a data set for corn and soybean cropping systems in Iowa using APSIM. This data set included simulations from 36 weather years with factorial combinations of management, environment and genetic factors. The data generated by APSIM then was compiled and put into a "tidy" format to facilitate analysis. Then we created a flexible data process and analysis workflow of APSIM simulation outputs to allow collaboration and reproducibility of our project. We analyzed and visualized the model outputs to answer some of the questions targeted through the scenario analysis. Unfortunately, we were not able to integrate the analysis here presented into a shiny web app in the timeline proposed. However, we defined the layout and general framework to construct such tool. We plan to continue working to integrate this analysis to the FACTS project website to be used as a tool to answer particular questions in an interactive way.
The main summary of the project is shown in 'finalReport.Rmd' and the class presentation is in 'slides.Rmd'. Both documents can be knitted without running any addional code.