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larsgeb committed Mar 23, 2018
1 parent 5c0f412 commit 0061340
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 73 deletions.
159 changes: 86 additions & 73 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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import time

# --- Setup; using the config as a 'global variable module' --- #
config.dt = 0.001
config.dt = 0.01
config.nt = 3000
config.ny = 20
config.nx = 40
config.dy = 1 / (config.ny - 1)
config.dx = 2 / (config.ny - 1)

dt = config.dt
nt = config.nt
ny = config.ny
nx = config.nx
dy = config.dy
dx = config.dx

# Physical regime
# Use LU decomposition (for solving sparse system)
useSuperLUFactorizationEq1 = True # doesn't do much as it needs to be done every loop
useSuperLUFactorizationEq2 = True # Speeds up, quite a bit!

# Physical parameters (stream potential is 0 on all boundaries, hardcoded).
sqrtRa = 7
Tbottom = 1
Ttop = 0
tempDirichlet = [Tbottom, Ttop]
tempNeumann = [0, 0]

generateAnimation = True # Takes a long time!
generateEvery = 100
# Plotting settings
generateAnimation = True
generateEvery = 10
generateFinal = False
useSuperLUFactorizationEq1 = True # doesn't do much as it needs to be done every loop
useSuperLUFactorizationEq2 = True # Speeds up!
quiverEveryNPoints = 1
qInt = 1 # What's the quiver vector interval? Want to plot every vector?
qScale = 20 # Scale the vectors?
# --- No modifications below this point! --- #

print("Buoyancy driven flow:\nRayleigh number: %.2f\ndt: %.2f\nnt: %.2f\ndx/dy: %.2f" % (sqrtRa * sqrtRa, dt, nt, dx))

# Initial conditions
startT = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(Tbottom, Ttop, ny), 1).repeat(nx, axis=1)
startT[2, int(nx / 2 - 1):int(nx / 2)] = 0.5
startT[2:3, int(nx / 2 - 1):int(nx / 2 + 1)] = 0.5
startT = grid.fieldToVec(startT)
startPsi = np.expand_dims(np.zeros(ny), 1).repeat(nx, axis=1) # start with zeros for streamfunctions
startPsi = grid.fieldToVec(startPsi)
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# This matrix is needed to only use the Non-Dirichlet rows in the del²psi operator. The other rows are basically
# ensuring psi_i,j = 0. What it does is it removes rows from a sparse matrix (unit matrix with some missing elements).
psiNonDirichlet = np.ones((nx * ny,))
psiNonDirichlet[0:ny] = 0
psiNonDirichlet[-ny:] = 0
psiNonDirichlet[ny::ny] = 0
psiNonDirichlet[ny - 1::ny] = 0
psiNonDirichlet = sparse.csc_matrix(sparse.diags(psiNonDirichlet, 0))
# PsiEliminator -> psiElim
psiElim = np.ones((nx * ny,))
psiElim[0:ny] = 0
psiElim[-ny:] = 0
psiElim[ny::ny] = 0
psiElim[ny - 1::ny] = 0
psiElim = sparse.csc_matrix(sparse.diags(psiElim, 0))

# Pretty straightforwad; set up the animation stuff
if (generateAnimation):
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# Integrate in time
start = time.time()
print("Starting time marching for", nt, "steps ...")
for it in range(nt):
for it in range(
nt + 1): # Actually, we do one more than nt, but that's because otherwise the last (it = nt) wouldn't plot
if it == 0:
t.append(t[-1] + dt)
Tn = Tnplus1
Psin = Psinplus1

# Regenerate C
C, rhsC = matrices.constructC(dxOpTemp=dxOpTemp, rhsDxOpTemp=rhsDxOpTemp, dyOpTemp=dyOpTemp,
rhsDyOpTemp=rhsDyOpTemp, dlOpTemp=dlOpTemp, rhsDlOpTemp=rhsDlOpTemp, psi=Psin,
dxOpPsi=dxOpPsi, dyOpPsi=dyOpPsi, sqrtRa=sqrtRa)

# Solve for Tn+1
if (useSuperLUFactorizationEq2):
factor2 = sparse.linalg.factorized(sparse.csc_matrix(sparse.eye(nx * ny) + (dt / 2) * C))
Tnplus1 = factor2(dt * rhsC + (sparse.eye(nx * ny) - (dt / 2) * C) @ Tn)
Tnplus1 = sparse.linalg.spsolve(sparse.eye(nx * ny) + (dt / 2) * C,
dt * rhsC + (sparse.eye(nx * ny) - (dt / 2) * C) @ Tn)

# Enforcing column vector
Tnplus1.shape = (nx * ny, 1)
# Enforcing Dirichlet
Tnplus1[0::ny] = Tbottom
Tnplus1[ny - 1::ny] = Ttop

if (useSuperLUFactorizationEq1):
Psinplus1 = factor1(- sqrtRa * psiNonDirichlet @ (dxOpTemp @ Tnplus1 - rhsDxOpTemp))
Psinplus1 = sparse.linalg.spsolve(dlOpPsi, - sqrtRa * psiNonDirichlet @ (dxOpTemp @ Tnplus1 - rhsDxOpTemp))

# Enforcing column vector
Psinplus1.shape = (nx * ny, 1)
# Reset Dirichlet
Psinplus1[0::ny] = 0
Psinplus1[ny - 1::ny] = 0
Psinplus1[0:ny] = 0
Psinplus1[-ny:] = 0

if ((it) % generateEvery == 0):
if (generateAnimation):
# Calculate speeds
ux = grid.vecToField(dyOpPsi @ Psinplus1)
uy = -grid.vecToField(dxOpPsi @ Psinplus1)
maxSpeed = np.max(np.square(ux) + np.square(uy))
# calculate speeds
ux = grid.vecToField(dyOpPsi @ Psinplus1) + 1e-40
uy = -grid.vecToField(dxOpPsi @ Psinplus1) + 1e-40
maxSpeed = 1e-99 + np.max(np.square(ux) + np.square(uy))

# Calculate heat fluxes
# calculate heat fluxes
heatFluxConduction = np.sum(- grid.vecToField(dyOpTemp @ Tnplus1 - rhsDyOpTemp)[-10, :])
heatFluxAdvection = sqrtRa * uy[-10, :] @ grid.vecToField(Tnplus1)[-10, :]
totalHeatFlux = heatFluxAdvection + heatFluxConduction

# accumulate values

# Plot the results
# Velocity and temperature field
ax1.quiver(np.linspace(0, 2, int(nx / quiverEveryNPoints)), np.linspace(0, 1, int(ny / quiverEveryNPoints)),
ux[::quiverEveryNPoints, ::quiverEveryNPoints], uy[::quiverEveryNPoints, ::quiverEveryNPoints])
im = ax1.imshow((grid.vecToField(Tnplus1)), vmin=0, extent=[0, 2, 0, 1], aspect=1,
vmax=1, origin='lower')
# plot velocity and temperature field
ax1.quiver(np.linspace(0, 2, int(nx / qInt)), np.linspace(0, 1, int(ny / qInt)), ux[::qInt, ::qInt],
uy[::qInt, ::qInt], pivot='mid', scale=qScale)
im = ax1.imshow((grid.vecToField(Tnplus1)), vmin=0, vmax=1, extent=[0, 2, 0, 1], aspect=1,
cmap=plt.get_cmap('plasma'), origin='lower')
clrbr = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax1)
clrbr.set_label('dimensionless temperature', rotation=270, labelpad=20)
ax1.set_xlabel("x [distance]")
ax1.set_ylabel("y [distance]")
# ax1.title("t: %.2f, it: %i, Maximum speed: %.2e" % (t[-1], it, maxSpeed))

# Maximum fluid velocity
# plot maximum fluid velocity
ymax = 10
ax2.set_ylim([1e-5, ymax if maxSpeed < ymax else maxSpeed]) # ternary statement, cool stuff
ax2.semilogy(t[::generateEvery], maxSpeedArr)
ax2.legend(['Maximum fluid velocity'], fontsize=5, loc='lower right')
cflV = dx / dt
ax2.semilogy([0, nt * dt], [cflV, cflV], linestyle=":")
ax2.legend(['Maximum fluid velocity', 'CFL limit %.2f' % cflV], fontsize=5, loc='lower right')
ax2.set_xlabel("t [time]")
ax2.set_ylabel("max V [speed]")
ax2.set_xlim([0, (nt - generateEvery) * dt])
ymax = 10
ax2.set_ylim([1e-5, ymax if maxSpeed < ymax else maxSpeed]) # ternary statement, cool stuff
ax2.set_xlim([0, nt * dt])

# Heat fluxes
# plot heat fluxes
ax3.plot(t[::generateEvery], heatFluxAdvectionArr)
ax3.plot(t[::generateEvery], heatFluxConductionArr)
ax3.plot(t[::generateEvery], totalHeatFluxArr, linestyle=':')
ax3.legend(['Advective heat flux', 'Conductive heat flux', 'Total heat flux'], fontsize=5,
loc='center left')
ax3.set_xlabel("t [time]")
ax3.set_ylabel("q [heat flux]")
ax3.set_xlim([0, (nt - generateEvery) * dt])
ax3.set_xlim([0, nt * dt])
ymax = totalHeatFluxArr[0] * 1.3
ax3.set_ylim([0, ymax if totalHeatFlux < ymax else totalHeatFlux * 1.1])

ax1.set_title("Temperature and velocity field", FontSize=7)
# Plot titles
ax1.set_title("Temperature and velocity field\nstep = %i, dt = %.2f, t = %.2f" % (it, dt, t[-1] - dt),
ax2.set_title("Maximum fluid velocity over time", FontSize=7)
ax3.set_title("Heat fluxes over time", FontSize=7)

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print("time step:", it, end='\r')
print("plotted time step:", it, end='\r')

# reset time level for fields
Tn = Tnplus1
Psin = Psinplus1

# Regenerate C
C, rhsC = matrices.constructC(dxOpTemp=dxOpTemp, rhsDxOpTemp=rhsDxOpTemp, dyOpTemp=dyOpTemp,
rhsDyOpTemp=rhsDyOpTemp, dlOpTemp=dlOpTemp, rhsDlOpTemp=rhsDlOpTemp, psi=Psin,
dxOpPsi=dxOpPsi, dyOpPsi=dyOpPsi, sqrtRa=sqrtRa)

# Solve for Tn+1
if (useSuperLUFactorizationEq2):
factor2 = sparse.linalg.factorized(sparse.csc_matrix(sparse.eye(nx * ny) + (dt / 2) * C))
Tnplus1 = factor2(dt * rhsC + (sparse.eye(nx * ny) - (dt / 2) * C) @ Tn)
Tnplus1 = sparse.linalg.spsolve(sparse.eye(nx * ny) + (dt / 2) * C,
dt * rhsC + (sparse.eye(nx * ny) - (dt / 2) * C) @ Tn)

# Enforcing column vector
Tnplus1.shape = (nx * ny, 1)
# Enforcing Dirichlet
Tnplus1[0::ny] = Tbottom
Tnplus1[ny - 1::ny] = Ttop

# Solve for Psi n+1
if (useSuperLUFactorizationEq1):
Psinplus1 = factor1(- sqrtRa * psiElim @ (dxOpTemp @ Tnplus1 - rhsDxOpTemp))
Psinplus1 = sparse.linalg.spsolve(dlOpPsi, - sqrtRa * psiElim @ (dxOpTemp @ Tnplus1 - rhsDxOpTemp))

# Enforcing column vector
Psinplus1.shape = (nx * ny, 1)
# Enforcing Dirichlet
Psinplus1[0::ny] = 0
Psinplus1[ny - 1::ny] = 0
Psinplus1[0:ny] = 0
Psinplus1[-ny:] = 0

end = time.time()
print("Runtime of time-marching: ", end - start, "seconds")
print("\nRuntime of time-marching: ", end - start, "seconds")

# And output figure(s)
if (generateFinal):
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