#3D CSS Ribbons
An extension (for Compass) to create 3D ribbons using only CSS. Live example.
The extension is inspired in 3D Ribbon Generator.
From the command line:
sudo gem install 3d-ribbon
Installing into an existing project:
# edit the project configuration file and add:
require '3d-ribbon'
#from the command line
compass install 3d-ribbon
#import the extension into your scss/sass file
@import "3d-ribbon"
If you don't have/want use Compass, you can download the main sass file and import it:
@import "<path to the file>/_3d-ribbon.scss"
The extension offer a simple and flexible way to create 3D ribbons with CSS.
Browser support:
- IE8+
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari / Safari iOS
You only need a block element to apply the ribbon, for example:
<h3 class="ribbon">This is my title</h3>
The simple way:
@include ribbon();
The flexible way (with all options):
@include ribbon(
// Set the background color of the ribbon
$background-color : <color>,
// Set the position of the sides
$position : <bottom> | <top>,
// Set the sides of the ribbon
$sides : <left> | <rigth> | <left right>,
// Set the width of the overlaps
$overlap-horizontal : <width>,
// Set the height of the overlaps
$overlap-vertical : <height>,
// Set the color of the edges
$overlap-color : <color>
Set the background color of the ribbon. Default value: #428bca
Set the position of the sides. Default value: top
Set the sides of the ribbon. Default value: left right
Set the width of the overlaps. Default value: 30px
Set the height of the overlaps. Default value: 20px
Set the color of the edges. Default value: darken(#428bca, 30%)
#Adding the ribbon's back
If you want the ribbon's back you need add some spans into your HTML:
<h3 class="ribbon">
This is my title
<span class="ribbon-left"></span>
<span class="ribbon-right"></span>
Later in your sass use the ribbon-back
@include ribbon-back($side: left);
@include ribbon-back($side: right);
The mixin also have many setting for customization:
@include ribbon-back(
// The side to create. This is the only required param
// Set the background color of the ribbon's back
$background-color : <color>,
// Set the position of the ribbon's back
$position : <top> | <bottom>,
// Set the height of the ribbon's back
$height : <height>,
// Set the width of the ribbon's back
$width : <width>,
// Set the vertical distance of the ribbon's back
$horizontal-distance : <height>,
// Set the horizontal distance of the ribbon's back
$vertical-distance : <width>,
// Set the color of the back's snip
$snip-color : <color>
It's probably that the two mixins (ribbon
and ribbon-back
) share values, so, the best way is declare some variables to use with the mixins. For example:
$ribbon-background-color: #d9534f;
$ribbon-position: top;
$ribbon-sides: left right;
$ribbon-overlap-horizontal-distance: 20px;
$ribbon-overlap-vertical-distance: 15px;
$ribbon-back-width: 20px;
$ribbon-back-height: 30px;
@include ribbon(
$background-color: $ribbon-background-color,
$position: $ribbon-position,
$sides: $ribbon-sides,
$overlap-horizontal: $ribbon-overlap-horizontal-distance,
$overlap-vertical: $ribbon-overlap-vertical-distance,
$overlap-color: darken($ribbon-background-color, 30%)
@each $side in $ribbon-sides {
@include ribbon-back(
$side: #{$side},
$background-color: $ribbon-background-color,
$position: $ribbon-position,
$width: $ribbon-back-width,
$height: $ribbon-back-height,
$horizontal-distance: $ribbon-overlap-horizontal-distance,
$vertical-distance: $ribbon-overlap-vertical-distance,
$snip-color: transparent