This tool is designed to generate lists of batuqueiros for Maracatu's performances, taking into account the proportion and priority of instruments based on a database of batuqueiros, also generating inspiring quotes according to the chosen theme. By entering the quantity of batuqueiros, it generates a list and adds different quotes within the availability of themes. It's possible to create, read, update and delete the registered batuqueiros. You can also consult the available themes.
- Shows the command's help and the list of subcommands and options
batuque help
- Defines the number of batuqueiros between 10 and 50 and create a propotional list considering the instrument's priority
batuque recruit -l <number of batuqueiros you need>
- Creates a new batuqueiro in the list
batuque create "<First and last name of batuqueiro>" "<name of instrument>"
- Prints the list of batuqueiros
batuque read
- Updates a batuqueiro data in the list
batuque update <batuqueiro's position in the list> -n --nome "new name" -i --instrumento "new instrument"
- Updates only batuqueiro's name
batuque update <batuqueiro's position in the list> -n --nome "new name"
- Updates only batuqueiro's instrument
batuque update <batuqueiro's position in the list> -i --instrumento "new instrument"
- Deletes batuqueiro's data in the list
batuque delete <batuqueiro's position in the list>
- Generates a quote according to a theme
batuque quote generate -t --theme <theme>
- Prints the registered list of themes
batuque quote themes