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adding numpy implementation
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Liam committed Jul 23, 2017
1 parent fa4ac79 commit f0052fa
Showing 1 changed file with 143 additions and 0 deletions.
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg

TWO_PI = 2 * np.pi

class UKF(object):
def __init__(self, n, m, r_var=0.1, p_var=1e+3, q_var=0.1):
Creates an Unscented Kalman Filter with n states and m observations
# size of the state vector
self.n_x = n

# size of augmented covariance matrix
self.n_aug = n + m

# number of sigma points (2n+1)
self.n_sig = 2 * self.n_aug + 1

# predicted sigma points matrix
self.X_sigma = np.zeros((n, self.n_sig))

# sigma point spreading parameter
self._lambda_ = 3. - self.n_aug

# weight vector
self.weights = np.zeros((1, self.n_sig))
self.weights[:, :1] = self._lambda_ / (self._lambda_ + self.n_aug)
self.weights[:, 1:] = .5 / (self._lambda_ + self.n_aug)

# measurement noise covariance
self.R = np.eye(m) * r_var

# process noise covariance
self.Q = np.eye(m) * q_var

self.x = np.ones((n, 1)) # initial state
self.P = np.eye(n) * p_var # initial prediction uncertainty covariance

# Normalized Innovation Squared (calculated in update step)
# this value will help us evaluate the consistency of our predictions
# and determine whether our noise parameters are good
self.NIS = 0.

def predict(self, delta_t):
Predicts sigma points matrix for time step t+1
# create augmented mean vector
x_aug = np.zeros((self.n_aug, 1))
x_aug[:self.n_x] = self.x

# create augmented state covariance
P_aug = np.zeros((self.n_aug, self.n_aug))
P_aug[:self.n_x, :self.n_x] = self.P
P_aug[self.n_x:, self.n_x:] = self.Q

# take square root (cholesky) of P_aug and modify by spreading param
P_aug_root = linalg.sqrtm((self._lambda_ + self.n_aug) * P_aug)

# create augmented sigma point matrix
X_sigma_aug = np.zeros((self.n_aug, self.n_sig))
X_sigma_aug[:, :1] = x_aug
X_sigma_aug[:, 1:self.n_aug+1] = x_aug + P_aug_root
X_sigma_aug[:, self.n_aug+1:] = x_aug - P_aug_root

# predict sigma points
for col in range(self.n_sig):
px, py, v, yaw, yawd, nu_a, nu_yawdd = X_sigma_aug[:, col]

# predicted state values for CTRV motion model
# division by zero or very small value implies a nearly straight line,
# so degenerate to simpler CV motion model when yawd is sufficiently small
if abs(yawd) > 0.001:
px_p = px + v / yawd * (np.sin(yaw + yawd * delta_t) - np.sin(yaw))
py_p = py + v / yawd * (np.cos(yaw) - np.cos(yaw + yawd * delta_t))
px_p = px + v * delta_t * np.cos(yaw)
py_p = py + v * delta_t * np.sin(yaw)

v_p = v
yaw_p = yaw + yawd * delta_t
yawd_p = yawd

# add acceleration noise
px_p += .5 * nu_a * delta_t**2 * np.cos(yaw)
py_p += .5 * nu_a * delta_t**2 * np.sin(yaw)
v_p += nu_a * delta_t
yaw_p += .5 * nu_yawdd * delta_t**2
yawd_p += nu_yawdd * delta_t

self.X_sigma[:, col] = px_p, py_p, v_p, yaw_p, yawd_p

# predicted x state vector
self.x = np.sum(self.X_sigma * self.weights, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

# state residual
x_diff = self.X_sigma - self.x

# normalize the predicted yaw component to between -pi & pi
x_diff[3] -= TWO_PI * np.floor((x_diff[3] + np.pi) / TWO_PI)

# predicted P uncertainty covariance
self.P = (self.weights * x_diff).dot(x_diff.T)

def update(self, z):
Update predictions with observed measurement z
nz = len(z) # measurement dimension
z = np.array([z]).T # convert measurement to single column matrix

# create matrix for sigma points in measurement space
# from the x and y sigma point predictions
Z_sigma = self.X_sigma[:nz]

# mean predicted measurement
z_pred = np.sum(Z_sigma * self.weights[:nz], axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

# measurement sigma and state residuals
z_sig_diff = Z_sigma - z_pred
x_diff = self.X_sigma - self.x
# x_diff[3] -= TWO_PI * np.floor((x_diff[3] + np.pi) / TWO_PI)

# compute cross correlation matrix
Tc = (self.weights * x_diff).dot(z_sig_diff.T)

# compute measurement covariance matrix + measurement noise
S = (self.weights * z_sig_diff).dot(z_sig_diff.T) + self.R
S_inv = np.linalg.inv(S)

# compute the Kalman gain
K =

# measurement residual
z_diff = z - z_pred

# update x and prediction uncertainty
self.x +=
self.P -=

# update NIS calculation
self.NIS =

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