Snapjobs is a job platform specalized in "snps" which are any job that is fast (couple of hours, we call it Service), or part time or full time but for a couple of days not long contract.
first there are very usual signin and siginup Pages
After logging you reach home page with all the jobs open for you to apply
you also can press the + burron in the bottom right corner to add job your own.
if you try to apply you will be asked to add an offer.
if your offer is accapted or you accapted new offers for your job you gonna see new sections in home page
also every Job details page looks diffrent depends on wether you relate to it or not (it is your job or you already applied ..etc)
This project was our team's graduation project. anyone who wants to contribute to the code or copy from it wellcone to do so (Regarding this repo only).
but first you should know:
in the start of this project we were starting to learn alot and took some desicions that may not seem right now. we didn't have time to refactor everything though
at first we usaed DartZ library but in the end i prefered try.. catch to make same behaviour. old code still uses dartz.
there are some TODOs you can start with
inmage uploading not yet Implemented but it's first thing I will do.
you can download the apk and try it yourself