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Darkmode Angular Component

The darkmode-angular component allows you to easily toggle between light and dark mode in your Angular application. It saves the user's mode preference in localStorage and applies the corresponding theme (lightmode or darkmode) to the body tag.


To install the component, use npm:

npm install darkmode-angular


  1. Import the DarkmodeComponent into your Angular module or component where you want to use it.

    import { DarkmodeComponent } from 'darkmode-angular';
  2. Add the DarkmodeComponent to your template.

    <darkmode-angular [hiddenLabel]="true"></darkmode-angular>


    • hiddenLabel: (optional) A boolean input that determines if the mode label (e.g., "DarkMode" or "LightMode") should be hidden. Set to true to hide the label.


Here’s an example of how you can integrate the darkmode-angular component into your Angular app:

  1. Import the DarkmodeComponent into your module or component.

    import { DarkmodeComponent } from 'darkmode-angular';
      declarations: [...],
      imports: [DarkmodeComponent],
    export class AppModule {}
  2. Use the component in your HTML file.

    <darkmode-angular [hiddenLabel]="false"></darkmode-angular>
  3. Customize the button by toggling between dark mode and light mode when clicked. The mode is saved in localStorage and persists across sessions.


The component applies the following classes to the body based on the selected mode:

  • darkmode: Applied when dark mode is active.
  • lightmode: Applied when light mode is active.

You can customize the styles for dark and light mode by adding the necessary CSS rules in your global styles file:

body.darkmode {
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;

body.lightmode {
  background-color: #fff;
  color: #000;


  • toggleMode(): Method to toggle between dark and light mode.
  • setMode(value: boolean): Method to set the mode manually. Pass true for dark mode and false for light mode.