Use kitty terminal as runner for the commands directly from neovim
Install the plugin with your favourite package manager:
use {
runner = {
-- default location of runner. Docs:
default_location = "hsplit",
-- delay between opening runner and sending command.
delay = 0,
-- extra arguments for opening runner, Docs:
extra_open_runner_args = { "--dont-take-focus" },
-- extra arguments for sending command to runner, docs:
extra_send_command_args = {},
-- environment variables, that will be copy to the runner instance
env_to_copy = { "PATH" }
launch = {
-- default location of launch result. Docs:
default_location = "hsplit",
-- extra arguments for launching to runner. Docs:
extra_launch_args = {},
-- environment variables, that will be copy to the launcher instance
env_to_copy = { "PATH" },
-- socket where kitty is listening. See ssh section
kitty_listen_on = environment_var("KITTY_LISTEN_ON")
Command | Description |
KittyOpenRunner {location} |
Open the runner in {location} (if not exists) |
KittySendToRunner {command} |
Send {command} to the runner. Open new runner in default location, if it doesnt exists |
KittyLaunch {command} |
Launch {command} in default location |
KittyClear |
Send clear command to the runner |
Open new runner in {location}. If location is not passed - use runner.default_location from configrequire("kitty-runner").send_to_runner({command}, {location})
Send {command} to the runner. Opens runner in {location}(or in default_location, if location isn't passed) if runner doesn't existsrequire("kitty-runner").launch({command}, {location})
Launch {command} in {location} (or in default location, if location isn't passed)require("kitty-runner").clear()
Send clear command to the runner
To work via ssh, plugin requires passing Unix socket from localhost to the server.
You can achieve this using following command:
kitty +kitten ssh -R /tmp/forwarded:$(echo ${KITTY_LISTEN_ON} | sed "s/.*://g") <ssh_connection>
kitty +kitten ssh
- built-in kitty terminal SSH, that allows using splints and tabs-R <socket_name_on_server>:<socket_name_on_localhost>
- passes the Unix socket from localhost to the server$(echo ${KITTY_LISTEN_ON} | sed "s/.*://g")
- retrieves the socket name of the current Kitty instance. This only works if listen_on is in Unix format: /tmp/...
THE After accessing SSH server, you can check the correctness of the socket using command:
kitty @ --to unix:<socket_name_on_server> ls
If everything works correctly, set kitty_listen_on
in the plugin config to unix:<socket_name_on_server>
Please note that <socket_name_on_server> should be replaced with the actual names of the socket you're using.
If you encounter an "connection refused"
error during the second connection, try removing the <socket_name_on_server>
The main goal of this plugin is to provide an API that allows sending commands to kitty via Lua code and keymaps. For example, it can be used in a simple keymap that runs the current Python file:
function Run()
local command = string.format("python %s", vim.fn.expand('%:p'))
keymap("n", "<Leader>r", "<cmd>lua Run()<CR>", opts)