Loan Wolf is a simple tool created for tracking lunch-related debts between employees in our office. It is meant to replace writing debts on the whiteboard with an arrow leading from one set of initials to another with an amount.
Presently Loan Wolf relies on a single basic model: the loan. However, this doesn’t allow us to track partial payments over payments (leading to a reversal of the loan), or maintain any sort of normalized history. Loan Wolf version 2 will be able to handle these situations with a new model that represents a “loan agreement” or “loan engagement”, or something like that.
Install, it, set up your db, and run this rake task to import loan quotes:
rake quotes:import
Implement logging mechanism for transactions and events
Implement admin interface with superuser privileges
Refactor so we have a true RESTful API
Implement Cancan to handle privileges
Create a new “loan engagement” model for tracking loans with multiple transfers
Hook devise up with office LDAP
there’s more…