This repository consist of the submission for ME6401 Topics in Mechatronics I Robot Imagination. The contribution of this assignment extends the work of Superquadrics Revisited: Learning 3D Shape Parsing beyond Cuboids with a modified RGB-D encoder from RedNet: Residual Encoder-Decoder Network for indoor RGB-D Semantic Segmentation. Most of the code for this assignment were forked from the former publication. As of now, the results only evaluates on the ShapeNet dataset.
Installation follows the original repository instructions.
They should be automatically installed by running
pip install --user -e .
In case this doesn't work automatically try this instead,
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --user -e .
Please note that you might need to install python-qt4
in order to be able to
use mayavi. You can do that by simply typing
sudo apt install python-qt4
Now you are ready to start playing with the code!
To train a new network, go to the scripts folder and execute
$ ./ /path_to_training_dataset ../trained_models --architecture rednet --voxelizer_factory image_rgbd --n_primitives 20 --train_with_bernoulli --use_sq --lr 1e-4 --dataset_type shapenet_v2 --use_chamfer --run_on_gpu --use_deformations
You need to indicate the training dataset directory and a output directory (here: ../trained_models) to store the generated files. The script will automatically create a subfolder in the designated output directory. Within this subfolder, it stores the trained models, three .txt files documenting the loss evolution, and a .json file containing the training parameters. The default encoder architecture is the tulsiani network. To train with the RGB-D encoder, use the following arguments --architecture rednet --voxelizer_factory image_rgbd.
To evaluate a trained network, go to the scripts folder and execute
$ ./ ../demo/02691156_rgbd /tmp/ --model_tag "1a29042e20ab6f005e9e2656aff7dd5b" --weight_file ../trained_models/model_name/model_number --n_primitives 20 --train_with_bernoulli --use_sq --dataset_type shapenet_v2 --use_deformations --architecture rednet --voxelizer_factory image_rgbd
You need to indicate the evaluation dataset directory (here: ../demo/02691156_rgbd) and the path to save the output of the evaluation (here: /tmp/). Also, specify the model tag you wish to reconstruct --model_tag and the dataset type in use --dataset_type. Additionally, you need to provide the weights of the trained model through the --weight_file argument. It is important to note that you should furnish the same arguments used during the training phase.
To quantitatively assess a trained network against an entire ShapeNet cateogry, go to the scripts folder and execute
$ ./ /path_to_ShapeNet_category /tmp/ --weight_file ../trained_models/model_name/model_number --n_primitives 20 --train_with_bernoulli --use_sq --dataset_type shapenet_v2 --use_deformations --architecture rednet --voxelizer_factory image_rgbd
You need to indicate the Shapenet category directory and the path to save the output of the evaluation (here: /tmp/). Also, specify the model tag you wish to reconstruct --model_tag and the dataset type in use --dataset_type. Additionally, you need to provide the weights of the trained model through the --weight_file argument. It is important to note that you should furnish the same arguments used during the training phase.