An app that lets you search for taxis (fake api) based on user location, search for an address and know the nearest taxi.
This app was created as an test.
This app is most based on MVVM-C pattern. But, there are elements from many different patterns.
The coordinator handles all presentation of controllers and navigation.
Controllers are responsible for set and configure its views and implementing protocols (delegates, datasources, others).
View models wrap the models and expose useful information that can be used by views and view controllers to present the model's information on screen. They are also responsible for implementing diffing between models.
The models are structs that parse data and return it as list of models.
The EasyAPI client handle requests and return an dictionary containing the data and an optional Error
TaxiServices is responsable for making a request to the fake api
and return a list of objects (Taxis
For this project, are beign tested some of the methods in View Models and data parser.
This project use only GoogleMaps SDK and GooglePlaces SDK.
Tested on Xcode 9.2, macOS 10.13.3.
$ git clone
$ cd ./Easy/Easy
$ pod install