- S.R. Eshwar
- Lucas Lopes Felipe
- Alexandre Reiffers-Masson
- Daniel Sadoc Menasché
- Gugan Thoppe
Load balancing and auto scaling are at the core of scalable, contemporary systems, addressing dynamic resource allocation and service rate adjustments in response to workload changes. This paper introduces a novel model and algorithms for tuning load balancers coupled with auto scalers, considering bursty traffic arriving at finite queues. We begin by presenting the problem as a weakly coupled Markov Decision Processes (MDP), solvable via a linear program (LP). However, as the number of control variables of such LP grows combinatorially, we introduce a more tractable relaxed LP formulation, and extend it to tackle the problem of online parameter learning and policy optimization using a two-timescale algorithm based on the LP Lagrangian.
Eshwar was supported by the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF). G. Thoppe’s research was supported in part by DST-SERB’s Core Research Grant CRG/2021/008330, Walmart Center for Tech Excellence, and the Pratiksha Trust Young Investigator Award. This work was partially supported by CAPES STIC AMSUD project RAMONaaS, CNPq and FAPERJ through grants 315110/2020-1, E-26/211.144/2019 and E-26/201.376/2021.
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