6502-based computer project based on Ben Eater's kit.
Link to Ben Eater's video series.
- 1x W65C02S: CPU
- 1x HM62256A: 256K RAM
- 1x SN54HC00: 4-NAND Gate
- 1x LED: Clock LED
- 1x Momentary Tactical Switch: Reset Switch
- 1x Jumper cables
- 1x Arduino Nano
- 2x 74HC595 Shift Register
- 3x LM-555 Timer
- 1x 74LS04 Hex Inverter
- 1x 74LS08 Quad 2-Input AND Gate
- 1x 74LS32 Quad 2-Input OR Gate
- 3x LED: Status LED
- 2x LED: Clock LED
- 1x Momentary Tactical Switch: Clock Stepper
- 1x Slide Switch: On/Off Switch
- 1x 1MΩ Potentiometer
- 5x 220Ω Resistor
- 5x 1KΩ Resistor
- 5x 1MΩ Resistor
- 5x 0.01𝜇F Capacitor
- 5x 0.1𝜇F Capacitor
- 5x 1𝜇F Capacitor
- 5x 10𝜇F Capacitor