Features of this tool:
- Convert a JKS to JCEKS (Useful when migrating a JBoss EAP version 6.0 to a version 6.3 or higher one.
- Reveal the password of the keystore.
- Reveal the attributes stored in a vault and passwords.
Esta ferramenta tem como funcionalidade:
- Converter um JKS em JCEKS (Útil ao migrar de uma versão de JBoss EAP 6.0 para uma versão superior que 6.3.
- Revelar a senha do Keystore.
- Revelar os atributos armazenados em um Vault e suas senhas.
shell# mvn clean package
shell# java -jar target/vaultjbosstool.jar
WARNING: This tool will convert JKS to JCEKS if your keystore is not a JCEKS.
Enter Keystore URL: (Ex: /tmp/new/a.keystore)
Enter Keystore Password: (Ex: MASK-2CnDY1FriorSpKmoIGU5WR)
Enter Salt: (Ex: 12345678) 12345678 Enter Interation: (Ex: 44) 44 Enter Alias: (Ex: vault) vault Enter Enc file directory: (Ex: /tmp/new) /tmp/new
Keystore password: minhasenha
List of vault attributes:
Block: blocoa Attribute: atributodecuehrola Pass: otherpassword
Block: blocob Attribute: atributo Pass: securedpass
Older versions of PicketBox Vault use JKS keystore and ENC.dat and Shared.dat files. Newer versions of PicketBox consist of JCEKS keystore and VAULT.dat file.
java.lang.RuntimeException: PBOX000137: Security Vault does not contain SecretKey entry under alias