Reminiscence to the screensaver that shipped until WinXP
Requires libGL and SDL.
Building with gcc -o starfield starfield.c -O2 -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lSDL -lSDL_image -lX11
starfield expects the star_[0-3].jpg images in PWD (ie in doubt "next to it")
Supported parameters (and defaults):
- stars=512
- spaceDepth=1500
- speed=2.0
- width=768
- height=480
- forward
- backward (the default)
- fullscreen
- fps=0 (try 30, zero is uncapped)
Keyboard actions:
- F1 : toggle fullscreen
- d : toggle direction
- Up : double up speed
- Down : half speed
- left/right: rotate
- Space : break / choke
- Escape : quit
There's really no xscreensaver hack like this??