ZeroCater integration for Lunchly
Wraps the ZeroCater REST API, allowing the Lunchly meal-announcement bot to query current and upcoming meals.
$ npm install @lunchly/service-zerocater --save
const { today } = require('@lunchly/service-zerocrater');
const companyId = controller.config.zerocrater_company_id;
const {
vendor_name: vendorName,
vendor_image_url: vendorImageURL,
vendor_description: vendorDescription
} = await today(companyId);
const mealsURL = ZEROCRATER_MEALS_URL.replace('{companyId}', companyId);
const mealURL = `${mealsURL}/${id}`;
const messageTemplate = `Today's lunch is *${name}*, brought to you by *${vendorName}* — _${vendorDescription}_`;
Type: Array
All meals returned by ZeroCater.
Type: Function
Today's meal.
MIT © Chris Vogt