Patched/adjusted to have non-numeric codes "Consonant-vovel-consonant-number-number" with a two second delay between wrong inputs, for security.
And, sending SMS via instead of AWS.
Build with maven: mvn clean package
Link in your docker container: /your-own-path-to-jar-file:/opt/keycloak/providers/dasniko.keycloak-2fa-sms-authenticator.jar
Set env in docker-compose: GATEWAYAPI_KEY=YourApiKey12345
You should use conditional access to check for mobile_number if you don't want users without mobile_number to authenticate without SMS
Keycloak Authentication Provider implementation to get a 2nd-factor authentication with a OTP/code/token send via SMS (through AWS SNS).
Demo purposes only!
Unfortunately, I don't have a real readme yet. Blame on me!
But, for now, you can at least read my blog post about this autenticator here:
Or, just watch my video about this 2FA SMS SPI: