This project is create to learn python.
Origin from Increase your Instagram followers with a simple Python bot
- Python 3.7
- Selenium
- Chrome
- Instagram account
- chromedriver
Operate System: MacOS
Download and install newest python from Python.
After install success, run
which python3
should get the the path of python3.
- Set up virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
go to project and activ
cd ${my_project}
virtualenv ${env_name}
A folder called ${env_name} created, all future python modules should be install inside this folder. In ${env_name}/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Activate virtual environment
source my_project_env/bin/activate
Install project modules
pip install pandas
pip install selenium
Start run
- All added instagram user will be added to .csv file, you next these user will not be targeted
- You can see 5 person follow me in half hour. Screenshot is added in /result folder.