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Update 6.6_produce_patient_and_provider_enrollment_tables_for_progres… #503

Update 6.6_produce_patient_and_provider_enrollment_tables_for_progres…

Update 6.6_produce_patient_and_provider_enrollment_tables_for_progres… #503

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: ActionChecker
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# events but only for the master branch
branches: #[ master ]
- "[Ff]eature-*"
- '**.md'
branches: [ QA ]
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: "0"
- name: '' #get changed files
id: getfileCount
run: echo "name=filesCount::$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r ${{ github.sha }} -- '*.md'| wc -l)" >> $GITHUB_STATE
- name: '' #get changed files
id: getfile
run: echo "name=files::$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r ${{ github.sha }} -- '*.md' | xargs)" >> $GITHUB_STATE
- name: '' #get changed fileName
if: ${{ steps.getfileCount.outputs.filesCount == 1}}
id: getfileName
run: echo "::name=fileName::$(basename -a ${{ steps.getfile.outputs.files }})" >> $GITHUB_STATE
- name: '' #get changed fileName Only
if: ${{ steps.getfileCount.outputs.filesCount == 1}}
id: getfileNameOnly
run: echo "::name=fileNameOnly::$(echo ${{ steps.getfileName.outputs.fileName }} | cut -f 1 -d '.')" >> $GITHUB_STATE
- name: '' #get changed files
id: getDirName
run: echo "::name=dirs::$(dirname ${{ steps.getfile.outputs.files }})" >> $GITHUB_STATE
#- name: echo output
#run: |
#echo ${{ steps.getfile.outputs.files }}
#echo ${{ steps.getfileName.outputs.fileName }}
#echo ${{ steps.getfileNameOnly.outputs.fileNameOnly }}
#echo ${{ steps.getDirName.outputs.dirs }}
- name: Spell Checker
if: always()
uses: streetsidesoftware/[email protected]
# Glob pattern of files to check
paths: ${{ steps.getfile.outputs.files }}
config: .github/workflows/cspell.json
# Configuration file to use. By default cspell looks for cspell.json in the current directory.
#config: # optional
# Exclude files matching the glob pattern
#exclude: # optional
# Only output the first instance of a word not found in the dictionaries.
#unique: # optional
- name: Markdown Link Checker
if: always()
uses: ruzickap/[email protected]
# markdown-link-check config file
#config_file: # optional
# Debug mode
#debug: # optional
# Exclude files or directories
#exclude: # optional
# Command line parameters for fd command. "exclude" and "search_paths" parameters are ignored if this is set
#fd_cmd_params: # optional
# Quiet mode for markdown-link-check
#quiet: # optional
# Set paths which should be recursively scanned for markdown files (*.md) and linted. By default all "*.md" files are checked
search_paths: ${{ steps.getDirName.outputs.dirs }} # optional
# Verbose mode for markdown-link-check
#verbose: # optional
#This portion of code will execute if a single markdown file within a folder is changed. If no markdown file is changed, or more than one file is changed, then the entire directory will be checked.
- name: Markdown Linter for Changed File Scan
if: ${{ always() && steps.getfileCount.outputs.filesCount == 1}}
uses: ruzickap/[email protected]
# markdownlint config file
config_file: .github/workflows/markdownlint.json # optional
# Debug mode
#debug: # optional
# Exclude files or directories
#exclude: # optional
# Command line parameters for fd command. "exclude" and "search_paths" parameters are ignored if this is set
fd_cmd_params: "-0 --extension md ${{ steps.getfileNameOnly.outputs.fileNameOnly }} --type f --hidden --no-ignore --full-path ${{ steps.getDirName.outputs.dirs }}" # optional
# Set paths which should be recursively scanned for markdown files (*.md) and linted. By default all "*.md" files are checked
#search_paths: ${{ steps.getDirName.outputs.dirs }} # optional
#This portion of code will execute if no markdown files, or more than one markdown file is changed and will check the entire directory.
- name: Markdown Linter for Directory Level Scan
if: ${{ always() && steps.getfileCount.outputs.filesCount != 1}}
uses: ruzickap/[email protected]
# markdownlint config file
config_file: .github/workflows/markdownlint.json # optional
# Debug mode
#debug: # optional
# Exclude files or directories
#exclude: # optional
# Command line parameters for fd command. "exclude" and "search_paths" parameters are ignored if this is set
#fd_cmd_params: "-0 --extension md ${{ steps.getfileNameOnly.outputs.fileNameOnly }} --type f --hidden --no-ignore --full-path ${{ steps.getDirName.outputs.dirs }}" # optional
# Set paths which should be recursively scanned for markdown files (*.md) and linted. By default all "*.md" files are checked
search_paths: ${{ steps.getDirName.outputs.dirs }} # optional
- name: GitHub Pull Request Action
if: always()
uses: repo-sync/[email protected]
# Branch name to pull from, default is triggered branch
#source_branch: 'Feature' # optional
# Branch name to sync to in this repo, default is master
destination_branch: 'QA' # optional, default is master
# Pull request title
#pr_title: # optional
# Pull request body
#pr_body: # optional
# Pull request template
#pr_template: # optional
# Pull request reviewers, comma-separated list (no spaces)
pr_reviewer: 'lijenn,jamesmrollins' # optional
# Pull request assignees, comma-separated list (no spaces)
#pr_assignee: # optional
# Pull request labels, comma-separated list (no spaces)
#pr_label: # optional
# Pull request milestone
#pr_milestone: # optional
# Draft pull request
#pr_draft: # optional
# Create PR even if no changes
#pr_allow_empty: # optional
# GitHub token secret
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}