Welcome to the online repository for Talking to 25% of the Web: an in-depth report and analysis on the WordPress REST API. Here you can find markdown versions of the text, the PDF, source files for diagrams, and translations.
We encourage you to translate the REST API white paper and make it available in your own language. Send us a pull request and we'll add it to the main repo.
To translate the white paper, please create a sub-directory of the project under Working Translations, giving it the correct ISO 639-3 code (find the correct code for your language here), and submit a pull request. Once the translation has reached a release / first full translation, we'll move it to its own subdirectory at the top level, and subsequent updates will happen in that location.
You can use the ai files in the resources folder to create translations of any diagrams (nb: fonts are proprietary and not included).
If you wish to create a PDF version please contact us for InDesign files.
Add a list of translators to your locale's version of the readme.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.