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J.S. Bach: Fuga C-Dur BWV953
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Signed-off-by: Davide Madrisan <[email protected]>
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madrisan committed Jan 28, 2025
1 parent aec90cd commit c3a30b3
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Showing 9 changed files with 480 additions and 1 deletion.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](

## [v61] - unreleased

### Added

- J.S. Bach: Fuga C-Dur BWV953

### Changed

- J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV825: Better pagination
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([\
src/johann-sebastian-bach/fuga/BWV948/Makefile \
src/johann-sebastian-bach/fuga/BWV951/Makefile \
src/johann-sebastian-bach/fuga/BWV952/Makefile \
src/johann-sebastian-bach/fuga/BWV953/Makefile \
src/johann-sebastian-bach/goldberg-variationen-BWV988/Makefile \
src/johann-sebastian-bach/inventionen-und-sinfonien-BWV772-801/Makefile \
src/johann-sebastian-bach/italienisches-konzert-BWV971/Makefile \
Expand Down
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions src/johann-sebastian-bach/fuga/BWV953/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
\version "2.25.20"

#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t)

\include "./"

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tagline = ##f

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maintainer = "Davide Madrisan"
maintainerEmail = "[email protected]"

\include "./header.ily"
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title = ##f
composer = ##f

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\line { \abs-fontsize #80 \bold "Bach" }
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\line { \abs-fontsize #40 \bold "Fuga C-Dur" }
\line { \abs-fontsize #20 "BWV 953" }
\fill-line \italic { \abs-fontsize #14 "For keyboard instruments" }

\include "./"

\markup {
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\abs-fontsize #10 "Based on: Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe - Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1890"

Global = {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\include ""

Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c'' {
\override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
| r4 r16 c b c a c b c g c b c
| f, c' b c e, c' b c d, c' b a b c a b
| c e d c b8 r c r b r
| e r d r c a d[ c]
| b r c r c r c r
| c r c r f d g[ f]
| e c f[ e] d b e[ d]
| c a d[ c] b16 c b a g g' fis g
| e g fis g d g fis g c, g' fis g b, g' fis g
| a, g' fis e fis g e fis g, f' e d e f d e
| f, e' d c d e c d e, d' c b c d b c
| d, c' b a b c a b gis a gis fis e e' d e
| c d c b a8 cis d r c r
| f r e r d16 c b a b f' e d
| c d cis b cis d b cis d f e d e bes' a g
| f e d cis d e c d b g' fis e fis c' b a
| g fis g a b4 a g~
| g8 fis4 e8 a4. a8
| g2~ g4~ g8 g
| fis2~ fis16 fis e dis e fis d e
| cis4 c~ c16 c b a b c a b
| g4~ g16 fis g a b a c b a g a fis
| g4 a8 b c2~
| c8 r g a b2~
| b16 c b c fis c g' c, a'2~
| a8 d, g16 a fis g e g fis g d g fis g
| c, g' fis g b, g' fis g a, g' fis e fis g e fis
| b, a' g fis g a fis g c, b' a g a b g a
| b8 g r b,16 d g8 c, b[ d]
| g a, b[ b'] c a d,[ c']
| g b c,[ bes'] a f b,[ a']
| g e a,[ g'] f d g,[ f']
| e16 d c b c2.~
| c2 d~
| d16 g, f g c4 r16 g fis g f'4
| d'16\rest g,, c8~ c16 c8 b16 <g c>2\fermata

Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c'' {
\override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-10
| R1*2
| r4 r16 g fis g e g fis g d g fis g
| c, g' fis g b, g' fis g a, g' fis e fis g e fis
| g a g fis e8 r fis r e r
| a r g r a r d r
| g, r c r fis, r b r
| e, r a r d, r r4
| \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-6
| \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-9
| r4 r16 a' g a f a gis a e a gis a
| \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
a' gis a
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
a' gis a
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
a' gis fis gis a fis gis
| a f e d e bes' a g f d cis b! cis d b cis
| \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
g f e f g e f
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
e dis cis dis e cis dis
| e dis e fis g8 g'~ g fis4 e8
| c4 b c8 a fis'!4~
| fis16 fis e dis e fis d e cis8 a e'4~
| e16 e d cis d e c d b2~
| b16 b a g a b g a fis2~
| fis16 fis e dis e4~ e4. dis!8
| r16 e dis e r16 e8 e16~ e8 e a g
| fis16 d cis d r16 d8 d16~ d8 d g fis
| e r r4 r8 a d c
| b16 fis g fis e g d g c, b a b d b a b
| e b a b d b a b c b a g a b c a
| d c b a b c d b e d c b c d e fis
| g a b c b a g fis e g fis g d g fis g
| c, g' fis g
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
g' fis g
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
g' fis e fis g e fis
| \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
f' e d e f d e
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
e' d c d e c d
| \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
\change Staff = "lower" \stemUp
c b c d b c
d, c' b a b c a b
| c4
\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown
r16 e d e f e d e g e d e
| a e d e g e d e f8 d g f
| e4 r16 a g a b4 r16 d c d
| e8. e,16 d8 f e2

Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
\override Rest.staff-position = #0

Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c' {
\override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
\override Rest.staff-position = #0
| R1*4
| r4 r16 c b c a c b c g c b c
| f, c' b c e, c' b c d, c' b a b c a b
| c, b' a g a b g a b, a' g fis g a fis g
| a, g' fis e fis g e fis g fis g a b g a b
| \stemNeutral c8 c, b[ b'] a a, g[ g']
| c, a d[ c] b g c[ b]
| a f b[ a] gis e a[ g]
| f d d'[ b] e fis gis[ e]
| a g f e d r a' r
| a r a r a r r4
| a8 r r4 a8 r r4
| a8 r r4 a8 r r4
| \stemDown r4 r16 e' dis e c e dis e b e dis e
| a, e' dis e g, e' dis e fis, e' dis cis dis e cis dis
| \stemNeutral e,8 fis g e a16 d cis b cis d b cis
| d,8 e fis d g fis gis e
| a16 g fis e fis g e fis dis8 cis dis b
| e b c[ fis,] g a b[ b']
| e, e, fis g a16 g' a g fis a e a
| d,8 d, e fis g16 fis' g fis e g d g
| c,8 e a, c fis,16 c'' d c b d a d
| g,4 r r2
| R1*4
| \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-6
| r4 r16 c, b c a c b c g c b c
| f, c' b c e, c' b c d, c' b a b c a b
| c8 d e fis g g,a b
| c e, f g c,2\fermata

forceBreaks = {
% page 1
% \repeat unfold 2 { s1\noBreak } s1\break\noPageBreak
% \repeat unfold 2 { s1\noBreak } s1\break\noPageBreak
% \repeat unfold 2 { s1\noBreak } s1\break\noPageBreak
% \repeat unfold 2 { s1\noBreak } s1\break\noPageBreak
% \repeat unfold 2 { s1\noBreak } s1\break\noPageBreak
% \repeat unfold 2 { s1\noBreak } s1\break
% page 2

\score {
\new PianoStaff
\accidentalStyle Score.piano
\context Staff = "upper" <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\clef treble
\context Staff = "lower" <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\clef bass
\new Devnull \forceBreaks
\header {
composer = ##f % "Johann Sebastian Bach"
opus = "BWV 953"
title = \markup { "Fuga à 3" }
subtitle = ##f
\layout {
\context {
\override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
\override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
\override TextScript.font-size = #-1
\midi {
\tempo 4 = 100

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