Created for the Clever Programmer Profit With JavaScript Covid Tracker Challenge
🎠 News Story Carousel 🎠
This feature was built using The Guardian api and a boostrap carousel set up. It took a bit of trial and error to get the imported information into the right format for the carousel to work.
📱 Mobile Responsiveness 📱
This site includes some out of the box bootstrap responsiveness as well as some extra customizations with media queries.
🔎 Country Zoom on the map on selection 🔍
This task involved setting up a semantic-ui dropdown menu and then coordinating that fuctionality with clicks from the Country table list. It took a little bit of digging to get the dropdown to update but I think the final result is well worth it.
📈 Statistics buttons updating the graph 📈
Another task that was a bit of a struggle was getting the line graph to toggle between the active cases, recovered, and death data.