Extension to support Galleria JavaScript image gallery in Yii.
- Upgrade Galleria to version 1.2.8 2012-08-09
- Support Galleria plugins, history plugin enabled by default (but others not tested)
- Support Galleria themes
- Support min.js or not min .js if Yii DEBUG defined, all JS, CSS in one assets folder
- Separate thumbnails and images as option
- Added imagePrefix (behavior), imagePrefixSeparator
- Added srcPrefix and srcPrefixThumb (example use normal image path and thimbnail image path)
Tested with Yii 1.1.11, but should work with previous versions too
Extract zip archive to ./webapp/protected/extension/galleria
Add import of galleria extension in your config/main.php file:
## Using galleria Behavior
### Add to image model:
public function behaviors()
return array(
'galleria' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.galleria.GalleriaBehavior',
'image' => 'file_name', //required, will be image name of src
'imagePrefix' => 'id',//optional, not required
'description' => 'description',//optional, not required
'title' => 'name',//optional, not required
$photos = new CActiveDataProvider('GalleryPhoto');
$this->widget('Galleria', array(
'dataProvider' => $photos,
'imagePrefixSeparator' => '-',//if set 'imagePrefix' => '' in behaviors; separate - imagePrefix{Separator}image
'srcPrefix' => '/uploads/gallery/',
'srcPrefixThumb' => '/uploads/gallery/thumb/',
#'themeName' => 'folio',//classic by default
#'plugins' => array('history', 'flickr', 'picasa'),//history by default
'options' => array(//galleria options
'transition' => 'fade',
#'debug' => true,
$photos = new CActiveDataProvider('GalleryPhoto');
$this->widget('Galleria', array(
'dataProvider' => $photos,
'dataProvider' => $data,
'binding' => array(
'image' => 'file_name',
<?php $this->beginWidget('Galleria');?>
<img src="/uploads/gallery/1.jpg" alt="Description of image" title="Title of image" />
<img src="/uploads/gallery/2.jpg" />
<img src="/uploads/gallery/3.jpg" />
<img src="/uploads/gallery/4.jpg" />
<?php $this->endWidget();?>