This is RESTFul interface to read the objects and states from ioBroker and to write/control the states over HTTP Get/Post requests.
Call in browser http://ipaddress:8087/help
to get the help about API. The result is:
"getPlainValue": "http://ipaddress:8087/getPlainValue/stateID",
"get": "http://ipaddress:8087/get/stateID/?prettyPrint",
"getBulk": "http://ipaddress:8087/getBulk/stateID1,stateID2/?prettyPrint",
"set": "http://ipaddress:8087/set/stateID?value=1&prettyPrint",
"toggle": "http://ipaddress:8087/toggle/stateID&prettyPrint",
"setBulk": "http://ipaddress:8087/setBulk?stateID1=0.7&stateID2=0&prettyPrint",
"objects": "http://ipaddress:8087/objects?pattern=system.adapter.admin.0*&prettyPrint",
"objects": "http://ipaddress:8087/objects?pattern=system.adapter.admin.0*&type=adapter&prettyPrint",
"states": "http://ipaddress:8087/states?pattern=system.adapter.admin.0*&prettyPrint"
"search": "*&prettyPrint",
"query": ",stateID2/?prettyPrint"
"query": ",stateID2/?noHistory=true&prettyPrint"
"query": ",stateID2/?dateFrom=2019-06-06T12:00:00.000Z&d&prettyPrint"
"query": ",stateID2/?dateFrom=2019-06-06T12:00:00.000Z&dateTo=2019-06-06T12:00:00.000Z&prettyPrint"
Call e.g.:
Call e.g.:
or call e.g.:
"val": true,
"ack": true,
"ts": 1442432238,
"from": "system.adapter.admin.0",
"lc": 1442431190,
"expire": 28494,
"_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.alive",
"type": "state",
"common": {
"name": "admin.0.alive",
"type": "boolean",
"role": "indicator.state"
"native": {}
get many states with one request, returned as object with ID as key and val/ts as subobject
Call e.g.:
or call e.g.:
"id": "javascript.0.test",
"value": 1
Of course the data point javascript.0.test must exist.
toggles value:
- boolean: true => false, false => true
- number without limits: x => 100-x
- number with limits: x => max - (x - min)
Set many states with one request. This request supports POST method too, for POST data should be in body and not URL.
Allows to set the value of a given State be set by the POST body content.
Is a data source (History, SQL) in the configuration is set, then only the data points known to the data source are listed.
If the option 'List all data points' has been activated or no data source has been specified, all data points will be listed.
This command is needed for the Grafana JSON / SimpleJSON Plugin.
If a data source (History, SQL) has been specified, the data from the specified data points are read out for the specified period, otherwise only the current value is read out.
This command is needed for the Grafana JSON / SimpleJSON Plugin.
Gives this output back
node iobroker.js add simple-api
Assume, we have no security and the server runs on default port 8087.
For all queries the name or id of the state can be specified.
For every requiest that returns JSON you can set parameter prettyPrint to get the output in human readable form.
If authentication is enabled, two other fields are mandatory:
Read state value as text. You can specify more ids divided by semicolon
http://ip:8087/getPlainValue/admin.0.memHeapTotal, admin.0.memHeapUsed
31.19 17.52
Read state and object data of state as json. You can specify more ids divided by semicolon. If more than one ID requested, the JSON array will be returned.
{ "val": 31.19, "ack": true, "ts": 1423154619, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423153989, "_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "admin.0.memHeapTotal", "type": "number", "role": "indicator.state", "unit": "MB", "history": { "enabled": true, "changesOnly": true, "minLength": 480, "maxLength": 960, "retention": 604800, "debounce": 10000 } }, "native": {} }
[ { "val": 31.19, "ack": true, "ts": 1423154544, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423153989, "_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "admin.0.memHeapTotal", "type": "number", "role": "indicator.state", "unit": "MB", "history": { "enabled": true, "changesOnly": true, "minLength": 480, "maxLength": 960, "retention": 604800, "debounce": 10000 } }, "native": {} }, { "val": 16.25, "ack": true, "ts": 1423154544, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423154544, "_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapUsed", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "admin.0.memHeapUsed", "type": "number", "role": "indicator.state", "unit": "MB", "history": { "enabled": true, "changesOnly": true, "minLength": 480, "maxLength": 960, "retention": 604800, "debounce": 10000 } }, "native": {} } ]
Read the states of more IDs with timestamp. You can specify more ids divided by semicolon. Always the JSON array will be returned.
{ "admin.0.memHeapTotal": { "val": 31.19, "ts": 1423154754 }, "admin.0.memHeapUsed": { "val": 15.6, "ts": 1423154754 } }
Write the states with specified IDs. You can specifiy wait option in milliseconds to wait for answer from driver.
{ "id": "hm-rpc.0.IEQ12345.LEVEL", "value": 1 }
{ "val": 1, "ack": true, "ts": 1423155399, "from": "hm-rpc.0.IEQ12345.LEVEL", "lc": 1423155399 }
If no answer will be recieved in specified time, the null value will be returned. In the first case the answer will be returned immediately and ack is false. In the second case ack is true. That means it was response from driver.
- write bulk of IDs in one request.
[ { "id": "hm-rpc.0.FEQ1234567:1.LEVEL", "val": "0.7" }, { "error": "error: datapoint \"Anwesenheit\" not found" } ]
You can send this request as POST too.
Get the list of all objects for pattern. If no pattern specified all objects as JSON array will be returned.
{ "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime": { "_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "admin.0.uptime", "type": "number", "role": "indicator.state", "unit": "seconds" }, "native": {} }, "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss": { "_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "admin.0.memRss", "desc": "Resident set size", "type": "number", "role": "indicator.state", "unit": "MB", "history": { "enabled": true, "changesOnly": true, "minLength": 480, "maxLength": 960, "retention": 604800, "debounce": 10000 } }, "native": {} }, ...
Get all control objects of adapter system.adapter.admin.0:
{ "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime": { "_id": "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "admin.0.uptime", "type": "number", "role": "indicator.state", "unit": "seconds" }, "native": {} }, ...
Get the list of all states for pattern. If no pattern specified all states as JSON array will be returned.
{ "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime": { "val": 32176, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156164, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423156164 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss": { "val": 41.14, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156164, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423156119 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal": { "val": 31.19, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156164, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423155084 }, ...
Get all control objects of adapter system.adapter.admin.0:
{ "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime": { "val": 32161, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156149, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423156149 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss": { "val": 41.14, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156149, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423156119 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal": { "val": 31.19, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156149, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423155084 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapUsed": { "val": 19.07, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156149, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423156149 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.connected": { "val": true, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156149, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423128324, "expire": 28100 }, "system.adapter.admin.0.alive": { "val": true, "ack": true, "ts": 1423156149, "from": "system.adapter.admin.0", "lc": 1423128324, "expire": 28115 } }
Is a data source (History, SQL) in the configuration is set, then only the data points known to the data source are listed. If the option 'List all data points' has been activated or no data source has been specified, all data points will be listed.
{ "system.adapter.admin.0.outputCount", "system.adapter.admin.0.inputCount", "system.adapter.admin.0.uptime", "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss", "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal", "system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapUsed", "system.adapter.admin.0.cputime", "system.adapter.admin.0.cpu", "system.adapter.admin.0.connected", "system.adapter.admin.0.alive" }
If a data source (History, SQL) has been specified, the data from the specified data points are read out for the specified period.
[ { "target": "", "datapoints": [ [ 0.12, 1559955600000 ], [ 0.46, 1559955601975 ], [ 0.44, 1559955610000 ] ] }, { "target": "", "datapoints": [ [ 23.01, 1559955600000 ], [ 22.66, 1559955601975 ], [ 22.69, 1559955610000 ] ] } ]
If no data source was specified or the noHistory parameter is passed, then only the current value of the data point is read out.
[ { "target": "", "datapoints": [ [ 0.58, 1559970500342 ] ] }, { "target": "", "datapoints": [ [ 21.53, 1559970500342 ] ] } ]
- (Apollon77) remove logging
- (Apollon77) fix usage as web extension
- (Marco.K) Added command set for the Grafana plugins JSON / SimpleJSON.
- (Apollon77) fix decoding for state Ids with # in it
- (Giermann) BREAKING CHANGE: getBulk is returning data in a different structure
- (Apollon77) Return used character encoding (UTF-8)
- (Apollon77) Fix decoding problems
- (Apollon77) Fix statuscode for setBulk and optimize permission errors
- (Apollon77) Fix handling of URL-encoded values, they are now decoded properly
- (Apollon77) Optimize Permission handling
- (Apollon77) add possibility to only allow access to states where user is also owner, finally works correct with js-controller 1.1.1!
- (greyhound) Add new POST method setValueFromBody
- (bluefox) new web server plugin support
- (bluefox) сompatible only with new admin
- (bluefox) support of letsencrypt certificates
- (bluefox) support of chained certificates
- (bluefox) fix toggle, objects, states, setBulk, POST
- (bluefox) add tests
- (bluefox) stop adapter before update
- (bluefox) add description in
- (bluefox) change "toggle" for boolean and numbers
- (bluefox) change setForeignState api
- (bluefox) add type to io-package.json
- (bluefox) enable run from "web"
- (bluefox) add default user
- (bluefox) change setForeignState api
- (bluefox) support of user permissions
- (bluefox) remove from file
- (bluefox) remove from dependencies
- (bluefox) enable be a part of "web"
- (bluefox) initial commit