Talking program is
src->jp/vstone->masashi-> &
This program is
Sota records your voice
Sota sends your voice to "google speech api"
Sota gets analyzed result(json)
Sota translate json to voice
Sota speaks voice
You connect sota
$ ssh pi@*******
pi@*******'s password: ******* -
move directory
$ cd SotaSample
$ cd bin -
change parmission
$ chmod +x *.sh -
$ ./ jp/vstone/masashi/SotaTalk
If you want to add library, you need to add library into Sota.
Sota has library in "/home/vstone/lib".
I've already add library to need "TalkingSota".
Open properties of SotaSample.
Select "Resource"->"Java Build Path"
Select "Add External JARs"
Add any library