To get started, we'll need to install Phyton: (pt/br -Para começar precisamos instalar Python)
Installation documenation on the Python website
The easiest means of doing so is with Pip: (Behave - a maneira mais facil é executar o comando)
pip install Behave
Installation documenation on the Behave website.
Installation documenation on the Chromedriver website.
Lastly, we'll need to install Selenium: (e por ultimo precisamos instalar o selenium).
pip install selenium
Once that's complete, you need to star your ChromeDriver Server (Depois da instalar você precisa dar start no seu sever)
- Start the Android SDK's Android Debug Bridge (adb) server: (Ligue a ponte entre seu computador e o device)
$ adb start-server
- Start the ChromeDriver server. It will print the port it is listening on: (Ligue o ChromeDriver server)
$ ./chromedriver
Started ChromeDriver (v2.0) on port 9515
connect or device and execute behave (Conecte seu device no pc e digite o comando.)
$ behave