This project was developed using the following libraries and technology:
- Flutter 2.10.1
- google_fonts
- http
- cached_network_image
- shared_prefences
- connectivity_plus
- flutter_dotenv
You need to register at NASA APIs to get your token. Once you have it, there's a file called .env copy you should replace it with your token and rename it to .env, then run:
flutter pub get
flutter run
This app that uses NASA APOD API for requests and Shared Preferences/CachedNetworkImage for the storing the apis' results. It returns either a list of apods or a selected apod by date.
It features both light and dark mode!
Offline usage does not allow you to search for apods.
It was build using principles of Clean Architecture, SOLID and TDD.
It has also unit tests for the API calls.
- APK Download - APK download link from Google Drive.
Made with ♥ by Mariugo 🚀