Xcode 12
sh make.sh
swift build -c release
sift orchestartor --token 'your token' --test-plan 'name of testplan'
sift run --config config.json
run testssift list --config config.json
print all tests from the bundle
"xctestrunPath": "path to .xctestrun, this file generate by Xcode when make a build for test",
"outputDirectoryPath": "path where tests results will be collected",
"rerunFailedTest": 1, // attempts for retry
"testsBucket": 1, // number of tests which will be send on each executor at the same time
"testsExecutionTimeout": 120, // timeout
"setUpScriptPath": "script will execute on node before each tests bucket", // optional
"tearDownScriptPath": "script will execute on node after each tests bucket", // optional
"nodes": // array of nodes (mac)
"name": "Node-1",
"host": "",
"port": 22,
"username": "node-1",
"password": "password",
"deploymentPath": "path where all necessary stuff will be stored on the node",
"UDID": {
"devices": ["devices udid, can be null"],
"simulators": ["simulators udid, can be null"]
"xcodePath": "/Applications/Xcode.app", // path to xcode
"environmentVariables": ["env1": "value1"] // inject env if need, optional
"arch": "arm64" // optional: "i386", "x86_64" or "arm64" - for Apple M1 silicon