- Kube-Api server which handles all communication, external as well as intrnal
- etcd consist of metatada(with key-value pair) about the cluster.
- Kube schedular which is responsble for chosing the node for the pod - like lesser load node will be chosen for new pod to spin
- Kube controller manager It continuously monitors the state of the cluster via the kube API server. IT will keep check on the given criterias like
- Kube cloud manager
- After insalling kubernaties all the component will be in namespace called "kube-system"
- Kublet Agent for kubernate to manage node. The kubelet uses the container runtime to start the pod, monitors its lifecycle, checks for the readiness, etc
- kube proxy Maintain communication rools amoung the pods using the network infirmation it have.
- EX: Consider we havinf 2 replicas, which contains 2 pods in each pod1, pod2. if containcerA.pod1 can communicate containcerA.pod2 diectly instead caomunicating containcerB.pod2. kube proxy manage this efficiant way of network communication.
Kuberantes package manager helm Taint on node , Tolerration on pod (key and value) EX: chosing pod for bigdata appllication
REF: https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/the-kubernetes-control-plane-f4bf460c848f
Each component in kubernatis is an object.
Each object having 2 main factor
- Spec - descripes the desired state of the object and when to recreate the object
- Status - Current status of the object
- we have to pass any abject spec via kubectl, kubectl will convert the yml to json and pass to api service
Namespace is like bubble, we can do partitions on the nodes using this and also team level boundary is defigned by name space. Complete Spec:
- Spec:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: arun-namespace
Smallest unit in the kubernate infra. which having containers that One pod must have minimum of one container(a application) along with may have side car container, using single container per pod is best practice. which having responsibilities like resource managing minimal, maxmum resources, application heart beat checking resources, chosing node(taint - in pod, tollorent- on node).
- Complete spec : https://github.com/marun790/k8s-guide/blob/master/pod-sample.yaml
- Basic spec:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: "arun-emp-pod"
namespace: "arun-namespace"
app: "emp"
- image: arun-emp:latest
name: arun-emp-container
- name: "http"
containerPort: 8081
imagePullPolicy: Never
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
path: "/employee/all"
port: 8081
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 20
periodSeconds: 15
successThreshold: 1
path: "/employee/all"
port: 8081
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 20
periodSeconds: 15
successThreshold: 1
which is mainy focusing on replicas of the pod
Deployment must have a spec 'selector' which is a pointer for the pod, if the selector for the pod missmatches the pod will keep on creates as the deployment unable to get the desired state of the pod
responsible for rools and update(tag- 'rollingUpdate' - specifing minimum number of avilability of the pod based on this destroying and creating of pod happends)
main thing is selector.matchLabels must be eqal to template.metadata.labels, the object pick the pod
to delete the pod we have to delete the deployment first, as we having 'type: RollingUpdate' deployment will do pod createion continuesly.
With deployment image replaecement will make issue, rebuilding image with same version will not replace the deployment image version / registory.
Comlplete Spec : https://github.com/marun790/k8s-guide/blob/master/deployment-sample.yml
Basic Spec:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: arun-emp-deployment
name: arun-emp-deployment
progressDeadlineSeconds: 2
revisionHistoryLimit: 1
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 50%
maxUnavailable: 1
minReadySeconds: 0
replicas: 2
app: "arun-emp"
version: 0.0.01
name: "arun-emp-pod"
namespace: "arun-namespace"
app: "arun-emp"
version: 0.0.01
- image: arun-emp:latest
name: arun-emp-container
- name: "http"
containerPort: 8081
imagePullPolicy: Never
path: "/employee/all"
port: 8081
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 20
periodSeconds: 15
successThreshold: 1
path: "/employee/all"
port: 8081
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 20
periodSeconds: 15
successThreshold: 1
same as ribbon(clientside load balancer which forwards reqest to client via round drobin) in spring cloud
Specifies the way in which the pod should be communicated. Like through load balancer / through host IP / through cluster IP
we can group the replicas using 'selector.app' whick will match with 'lable.app' in pod. and uses these info in DNS, as becuse each deployment will allocate unique ip for the pod
these specs will leads to way for pod to pod communication
Complete Spec : https://github.com/marun790/k8s-guide/blob/master/services-sample.yml
Basic Spec:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: "arun-emp-service"
app: "arun-emp-service"
type: ClusterIP
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8081
app: "arun-emp"
- after spinning the service portforward have to be done as the service is not exposed in host.
kubectl port-forward service/arun-emp-service 8080:80 //for service port forward we have to mention /service as prefix
- Pod to pod communication can be acchived by service name in URI.
department-uri=http://arun-dept-service:80 // 'arun-dept-service:80' -> service details which exposed for department project
Used to create the configuration which used to share accross the pods, changing of config value won't reflect on the pod just like that, for that we hae to use ?
- Basic Spec:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: arun-emp-deployment
name: arun-emp-deployment
progressDeadlineSeconds: 2
revisionHistoryLimit: 1
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 50%
maxUnavailable: 1
minReadySeconds: 0
replicas: 2
app: "arun-emp"
version: 0.0.01
name: "arun-emp-pod"
namespace: "arun-namespace"
app: "arun-emp"
version: 0.0.01
- name: config-volume
name: employee-configmap
- image: arun-emp:latest
name: arun-emp-container
- name: "http"
containerPort: 8081
imagePullPolicy: Never
- name: address
name: employee-configmap
key: address
- name: spring.config.location
value: /config/application.properties //Using mounted application.properties from mounted space
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /config //Mounting config map in a directory in the pod host
path: "/employee/all"
port: 8081
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 20
periodSeconds: 15
successThreshold: 1
path: "/employee/all"
port: 8081
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 20
periodSeconds: 15
successThreshold: 1
Scalling is a mechanism which auto increase resouces/applucations based on the resource availability
- Vertical scalling: Will increase the phiscal hardware, like node and memory interms of traffic. currently kubernaties not supporting this feature.
- Horzondal auto scalling will increase the application deployment count so can we will have more resources to handle the request, in kubernaties we having Horzondal pod auto scalling
depends on the CPU Load the new deployment will get spinned which will increase the replicas count based on the specification that we gave. vices versa if the CPU load decreases the deployment gets reverted.
will specify the resource limit in namespace level, the pod can overwride this configuration. if the resorce configuraion is not specified in the pod defualtly the pod will tack the resource configuration which specified in limit range.
the resource allocation will priorotised like this.
To give limit for the namespace, by this we can avoid a pod taking all avilable resources in host.
Exposing services to outside the world, like API gteway
the communication will happend like user request -> Ingress -> Service -> Pod
ingress is a common term in networking
Ingress - Incoming Load
Egress - Outgoing load
Can specify like each node should contain a single pod. Use case: for logging purpose 'fluid' can be added in separate pod and can be attached in every node.
fluid is a side car container. which is entrypoint for the pod. can be used to collect the standerd out of the node and pass to the message brocker to persist the log.
used to persist the logs when publishing event in message brocker.
used as circuit breacker same as hystricks- retry logic for all transaction, it also will act as sidecar container.
- default response
- circuit breaking
spring cloud slauth used for logging. Implementation:
- dependencies
- application.properties
logging.level.com.arun.demo = debug
By adding above dependecy we can get traceId(is same for through out the request), SpanId(Differ for each service) in log Log format will be [, <TRACE_ID>, <SPAN_ID>].........
logbck used to supply json formated value
|Aggricator ------> forwader |------>|Kafka|------->|Splunk| (message collector) | ------- ------- |-------------------------------
- splunk | kibana -> we can use slunk or kibana to view as log dashboard
SAGA pattern
- Event based -> transaction rollback done by message brocker
- Carriography -> using rollback aggrigation technique we can achive. event based is better to use
For allert system
For monitoring
Microservice monitor - spring micrometer to promothies
sudo apt install docker-compose
Commends | Description |
kubectl get namespace | to get all namespace |
kubectl create namespace <namespace_name> | will create namespace |
kuectl delete namespace <namespace_name> | will delte namespace |
eval $(minikube docker-env) | Will bind the docker container to kubernaties which allow to build images |
kubectl apply -f <OBJECT_SPEC> | Will apply the yml spec for the given object |
kubectl apply -f arun-namspace.yaml | create namespace with yaml file |
kubectl get namespace arun-namespace -o yaml | open namespace spec in yaml format |
kubectl get pod | to get pod |
kubectl delete pod arun-emp-pod | to delete pod |
kubectl get events | get event in namespace |
kubectl logs -f arun-emp-pod | open logs in intraction mode |
kubectl create deployment mongo-depl --image=mongo | create mongo db deployment directly from image registory |
kubectl edit deployment mogo-depl | to edit the deployment |
kubectl get deployment arun-emp-deployment -o yaml > emp-depl.yaml | Create a file 'emp-depl.yaml' in pwd from config in etcd |
- Create namespace
kubectl apply -f arun-namspace.yaml
- switch to namespace using kubens
kubens arun-namespace
- Image for the pod must be created inside namespace
sudo docker image build . -t arun-emp:latest
- create pod
kubectl apply -f arun-emp-pod.yml -> will create the pod
- Port forward for pod
kubectl port-forward <POD_NAME> 8080:8081 -n <NAMEPACE_NAME> *Port forward for service kubectl port-forward service/arun-emp-service 8080:80
- do the build using kubernaties docker not with the root docker
docker image build . -t arun-emp:latest
k8s install with minikube https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-kubernetes-with-minikube-ubuntu-20-04/
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
sudo cp minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
sudo cp minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/minikube
minikube version
sudo curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add -
echo "deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo echo "deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install kubectl kubeadm kubectl -y
minikube start
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
ubuntu - https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx debian - https://packages.debian.org/buster/all/kubectx/download