Rsyslog running in a linux container as a server, listening on 514 (tcp and udp)
, and writing to /var/log/syslog
; which will be sent to ELK stack via filebeat agent.
This container will listen on 514/udp
, and 514/tcp
and write it to /var/log/syslog
Use command below to run:
docker run --name rsyslogserver --rm -p 514:514/udp -p 514:514 -v "./syslog:/var/log/syslog" masterfox/rsyslog
Or For docker-compose
version: '3.4'
image: masterfox/rsyslog
- 514:514/udp
- 514:514
- "./syslog:/var/log/syslog"
Run below compose command to use compose file in repo:
docker-compose up
To deploy to kubernetes run the comand below from the root to deploy the helm chart:
helm install --namespace "development" -n "radrsyslog" ./radrsyslog
NOTE: for the K8 deployment decide if you want to run on the UDP or TCP port then deploy accordingly. Curently it deploys to TCP.
The file beat agent connectt to elastic cloud kibana so make sure to set your cloud credentials CLOUD_ID
in the build command below or in the filebeat.yml
docker build -e CLOUD_ID=12345678 -e CLOUD_AUTH=lkghjghjfhgjkftyguhi -t masterfox/rsyslog .