Inspired by Syoyo’s excellent tinyobjloader
Aims to be a simple and lightweight option for loading OBJ
Just returns two Vec
s containing loaded models and materials.
Note: These days I recommend you use glTF if you control the model format coming into your app, since it's binary and will load faster. There's a good crate for loading gltf: gltf-rs, plus some others that are likely also good.
Meshes can be triangulated on the fly or left as-is.
Only polygons that are trivially convertible to triangle fans are supported. Arbitrary polygons may not behave as expected. The best solution would be to convert your mesh to solely consist of triangles in your modeling software.
It is assumed that all meshes will at least have positions, but normals, texture coordinates and vertex colors are optional.
If no normals, texture coordinates or vertex colors are found, then the
corresponding Vec
s for the Mesh
will be empty.
Values are stored packed as floats in flat Vec
For example, the positions
member of a Mesh
will contain [x, y, z, x, y, z, ...]
which you can then use however you like.
Indices are also loaded and may re-use vertices already existing in the mesh,
this data is stored in the indices
When a Mesh
contains per vertex per face normals or texture coordinates,
positions can be duplicated to be per vertex per face too via the
flag. This potentially changes the topology (faces may become
disconnected even though their vertices still share a position in space).
By default separate indices for normals and texture coordinates are created.
This also guarantees that the topology of the Mesh
does not change when
either of the latter are specified per vertex per face.
Standard MTL
attributes are supported too. Any unrecognized parameters will be
stored in a HashMap
containing the key-value pairs of the unrecognized
parameter and its value.
– On by default. UseAHashMap
for hashing when reading files and merging vertices. To disable and use the slowerHashMap
instead, unset default features inCargo.toml
:[dependencies.tobj] default-features = false
– Adds support for merging identical vertex positions on disconnected faces during import.Warning: this feature uses const generics and thus requires at least a
toolchain to build. -
– Adds support for reordering the normal- and texture coordinate indices. -
– Adds support for async loading of obj files from a buffer, with an async material loader. Useful in environments that do not support blocking IO (e.g. WebAssembly). -
- Adds support for async loading of objs and materials using futuresAsyncRead
traits. -
- Adds support for async loading of objs and materials using tokio 'AsyncRead` traits.
Rust docs can be found here.
Add the crate as a dependency in your
and you’re all set!
The print mesh example (also below) loads an OBJ
file from the command line and prints out some information about its faces,
vertices, and materials.
fn main() {
let obj_file = std::env::args()
.expect("A .obj file to print is required");
let (models, materials) =
.expect("Failed to OBJ load file");
// Note: If you don't mind missing the materials, you can generate a default.
let materials = materials.expect("Failed to load MTL file");
println!("Number of models = {}", models.len());
println!("Number of materials = {}", materials.len());
for (i, m) in models.iter().enumerate() {
let mesh = &m.mesh;
println!("model[{}].name = \'{}\'", i,;
println!("model[{}].mesh.material_id = {:?}", i, mesh.material_id);
"model[{}].face_count = {}",
let mut next_face = 0;
for face in 0..mesh.face_arities.len() {
let end = next_face + mesh.face_arities[face] as usize;
let face_indices = &mesh.indices[next_face..end];
println!(" face[{}].indices = {:?}", face, face_indices);
if !mesh.texcoord_indices.is_empty() {
let texcoord_face_indices = &mesh.texcoord_indices[next_face..end];
" face[{}].texcoord_indices = {:?}",
face, texcoord_face_indices
if !mesh.normal_indices.is_empty() {
let normal_face_indices = &mesh.normal_indices[next_face..end];
" face[{}].normal_indices = {:?}",
face, normal_face_indices
next_face = end;
// Normals and texture coordinates are also loaded, but not printed in
// this example.
"model[{}].positions = {}",
mesh.positions.len() / 3
assert!(mesh.positions.len() % 3 == 0);
for vtx in 0..mesh.positions.len() / 3 {
" position[{}] = ({}, {}, {})",
mesh.positions[3 * vtx],
mesh.positions[3 * vtx + 1],
mesh.positions[3 * vtx + 2]
for (i, m) in materials.iter().enumerate() {
println!("material[{}].name = \'{}\'", i,;
" material.Ka = ({}, {}, {})",
m.ambient[0], m.ambient[1], m.ambient[2]
" material.Kd = ({}, {}, {})",
m.diffuse[0], m.diffuse[1], m.diffuse[2]
" material.Ks = ({}, {}, {})",
m.specular[0], m.specular[1], m.specular[2]
println!(" material.Ns = {}", m.shininess);
println!(" material.d = {}", m.dissolve);
println!(" material.map_Ka = {}", m.ambient_texture);
println!(" material.map_Kd = {}", m.diffuse_texture);
println!(" material.map_Ks = {}", m.specular_texture);
println!(" material.map_Ns = {}", m.shininess_texture);
println!(" material.map_Bump = {}", m.normal_texture);
println!(" material.map_d = {}", m.dissolve_texture);
for (k, v) in &m.unknown_param {
println!(" material.{} = {}", k, v);