This repository is for managing document updates for RFC 9410 during AUTH48.
Please see Guidelines for contributions. The IETF Note Well applies.
GitHub features that will be used:
- Issue tracking
- Pull requests
- @mentions
Authors, AD, WG chairs, and document shepherd, please ensure that your GitHub notification settings are set such that you can participate promptly in discussions of issues and pull requests. For more information, please see Configuring notifications.
Questions and FYIs from the RFC Editor have been added as issues. Please provide your answers in the comments and use a label to indicate issue status:
- rfced - initial label of RFC Editor questions and FYIs (keep this label if the issue is still active).
- question - a follow-up question has been added to the issue discussion. Use @mention to identify the participant who should answer.
- AD approval required - the resolution of the issue requires the AD to review and approve the change.
- editor-ready - the RFC Editor can update the document and/or close the issue based on the issue discussion.
Feel free to add new issues for new edits and questions.
The editor will close the issue when it has been addressed either by accepting a pull request or simply closing the issue if no changes are needed.
If you would like to submit changes, please create a pull request and identify one or more issues that the pull request closes in the comments.
For the ease of all reviewers, please do not use inline comments on pull requests.
Output files may be viewed here:
To create your own output files, use the xml2rfc webservice and select the output that you want.
If you would like guidance on using xml2rfc locally, please ask the editor.
Diffs via GitHub:
More information on using GitHub to view diffs can be found here: Comparing commits.
The following diff files are available via
- (all changes since the document entered the RFC Editor Queue)
- (all changes since the document entered the RFC Editor Queue side by side)
To approve your RFC for publication, please reply to the AUTH48 email stating that you approve this RFC for publication. Please use REPLY ALL, as all the parties CC’ed on the message need to see your approval.
The details of the AUTH48 status of the document are here:
Note that this repo is available only during AUTH48. Before the RFC publication announcement is sent, this repo will be made private and archived.
For any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]. Note that push events will send notification messages to [email protected].