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hemalrika edited this page Jun 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the WordPressPluginDevelopment wiki!

Getting Started

  1. Getting started

  2. Load Plugin Textdomain

  3. Action And Filter Hook

Settings Field

  1. Create a settings field

  2. Make settings field reusable

  3. Create Settings Section

  4. Create Select Settings

  5. Multiple checkbox settings field
  6. Add filter hook for countries ( checkbox and select )
  7. Add a toggle control into settings page


  1. Create a shortcode plugin
  2. Default parameter and content in shortcode
  3. Nested Shortcode


  1. Slider Plugin using Nested shortcode and assets

Assets Management

  1. Introduction to assets management
  2. Assets Dependency Management
  3. Send Data From WordPress Backend (php) To Javascript
  4. Conditional Enqueue file on admin panel
  5. Style or Script Enqueue Priority
  6. Add inline style or script

Metabox, Meta Field, Meta Value

  1. Create simple meta box
  2. Checkbox in meta field
  3. Metabox Styling
  4. Metabox Datepicker
  5. Metabox Dropdown
  6. Image metafield
  7. Extra social metafield
  8. Meta field for taxonomy/tag
  9. Metafield in custom taxonomy
  10. Dropdown metafield for post select
  11. Multiple post select
  12. Metabox For Select Taxonomy Term

Column Management And Filter

  1. Column Management On All Posts
  2. Show column data
  3. Sortable column
  4. Working With Sortable Filter For Posts
  5. WordCount Filter using Compare meta query

Custom Query

  1. Create new page
  2. Custom Query Pagination
  3. use WP_Query
  4. WP Query Class Relationship & Joining
  5. Custom Query With Month Year Post Status
  6. Custom query with post format
  7. Custom Query With Meta Query & Meta value
  8. Query Using Multiple Meta Key & Meta value
  9. Modify Main Query

Custom Post Type

  1. Create a simple custom post type
  2. Code Generation Tool

Send mail/sms

  1. Send mail using phpmailer
  2. Send sms using twilio

Data Table

  1. Create admin menu and page
  2. Display data table using WP_List_Table
  3. Change data for column
  4. Add search filter into data table
  5. Add Sort Feature Into Table
  6. Data pagination in WP_List_Table
  7. Data Filtering In WP_List_Table


  1. Create New Table
  2. Update table and drop column
  3. Insert data into table on activate and flush data on deactivate plugin
  4. Data display from table
  5. Create Form And insert data

Option API

  1. Option API, Get All Features

Transient API

  1. Transient Api All you need to know

Roles And Capabilities

  1. Role and capabilities
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