Pretty straight forward. Binary is available at ~/bin/gscan, and accepts the following options:
Flag | Long Flag | Default | Description ------------- |------------- |------------- -t | --threads | 0 | Number of threads to utilize. If 0, will consume all threads on the machine. -p | --port | 80 | Comma delimited list of ports to check. -f | --file | search.txt | Filename containing phrases to scan for, one phrase per-line. -o | --output | gscan.log | Filename to write any results found. -s | --seconds | 10 | Duration in seconds of timeout before moving onto the next IP.
Just put your desired searche phrases, one per-line in search.txt and fire up the script with: ./gscan
Limit to 6 threads: ./gscan -t 6
Limit to 16 threads, search file at "mysearch" and output file at "my_finds.log" with: ./gscan -t 16 -f mysearch -o my_finds.log
Any questions, issues, or desired modifcations e-mail me at [email protected]. Enjoy.