This is a test-bundle for the experimental form support.
It is very early status and will be finalized as a demo example over the weekend.
Distribution: Best used with Symfony Standard Edition
Symfony( obviously.
Next, run the vendors script to download the bundles:
$ php bin/vendors install
'Acme' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// ...
# app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
new Acme\PizzaBundle\AcmePizzaBundle(),
./app/console doctrine:database:create
./app/console doctrine:schema:create
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@AcmePizzaBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /acme-pizza
./app/console assets:install web/
First, make sure that your db parameters are correctly set in app/config/parameters.ini
You'll need to install Doctrine Data Fixtures
(don't forget to add the
path to AppKernel.php
) and then run:
./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
You can read about install instructions in the Symfony2 Cookbook(
Go to app_dev.php/acme-pizza/pizza/list
and start selling pizzas.
You can launch functional tests with Selenium RC server running with the following steps:
- download selenium server
- edit
:- add php's server variable to match your configuration
- add the selenium's browser configuration. I added Google Chrome Portable because it's faster than ie or even firefox.
# app/phpunit.xml.dist
<!-- ... -->
name = "KERNEL_DIR"
value = "/var/www/AcmePizza/app/" />
name = "HTTP_HOST"
value = "localhost" />
name = "SCRIPT_NAME"
value = "/AcmePizza/web/app_dev.php" />
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
name = "Google Chrome Portable"
browser = "*custom c:\bin\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe -disable-popup-blocking -proxy-server="
host = "" /> <!-- ip of selenium RC server -->
<!-- ... -->
Now you can run test (assuming that Selenium RC is running java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.2.0.jar
with phpunit -c app/ src/Acme/PizzaBundle/Tests/
If you want you can submit other missing tests.