Features 🌠
Import MD files to your MDyna boards
You can now import multiple markdown files to MDyna boards.
The imported files will be automatically palced in your current board (no board if you're importing to your Inbox).
Clear Archive Button
You can now delete all cards in your archive.
In order to do so simply activate your archive via the sidebar and a new option will show up allowing you to delete all cards with a single click.
Delete/Keep Board Cards
Before deleting a board, users will now have the option to delete all cards within that board or keep them and move them to the INBOX.
UI/UX Improvements 👍
Boards logo received a new design overhaul.
There's now an indicator of the card board for the cards in your list.
Clicking on the board indicator will switch to that board.
Bugs 🐛
Sidebar component was refactored which should reflect in improvents in performacne and transitions.
Fixed some icons misalignements
You can’t perform that action at this time.