Form-File-Upload is a very lightweight module to implement a Drag & Drop Fileupload in your forms. It is as lightweight as possible, so no jQuery ( the module could still handle jQuery Objects if you want) and no other dependencies. It supports not even uploading files async via Ajax. It is simply just for that one usecase: To have a smart little module with datavalidation, filepreview and Drag & Drop support to upload base64 converted files to your server. Nothing special, but very helpful if you need exactly this.
- Super easy to implement
- Lightweight, no dependencies (written vanilla)
- Fallback for uploading files even with IE8 (normal fileinput fallback)
- Using Browsersync as development server
You can download the latest generated and minified module here.
Even if you could use jQuery objects, you can also just pass normal DOM objects to the module.
<script src="/path/to/formfileupload.min.js"></script>
var initializeFileUpload = function() {
var fileUpload = document.querySelector('.js_fileupload');
new FormFileUpload(fileUpload, {
// your options are going here
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initializeFileUpload);
To use the Form-File-Upload as a jQuery Plugin you need to load the a version of jQuery and the jQuery source of the plugin (jquery.formfileupload.min.js).
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.formfileupload.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
// your options are going here
Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Internet Explorer 9+ & Fallback for IE8
Option | Type | Default | Description |
errorMessageTimeout | number | 5000 (ms) | timeout specifies how long the error messages are displayed |
maxFileSize | number | 3145728 (3MB) | the maximum filesize of each file in bytes |
maxFileNumber | number | 3 | the maximum filesize of each file in bytes |
maxRequestSize | number | 9437184 (9MB) | defines the maximum size of each request in bytes |
circleThumbnail | boolean | false | defines if the thumbails are displayed in circles, otherwise rectangles |
fallbackForIE8 | boolean | true | If true the fallback for IE8 is activated |
invalidFileNameError | string | The name of the file has forbidden characters | errormessage displayed when the file has characters which are not allowed |
invalidFileTypeError | string | The fileformat is not allowed | errormessage displayed when the filetype is not allowed |
maxRequestSizeError | string | The requestsize of the files you want to upload is exceeded. | errormessage displayed when the max. requestsize is reached |
maxFileNumberError | string | You can upload 3 files, not more! | errormessage displayed when the max. filenumber is reached |
maxFileSizeError | string | One of the files is too large. the maximum filesize is 3 MB. | errormessage displayed when the max. filensize is reached |
unknownFileReaderError | string | Unknown Error while loading the file. | If something during the filereading process went wrong, then this message is displayed |
acceptedTypes | object | PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PDF, Excel & Word | objects contains all allowed mimetypes as keys & the prettified filenames as values |
Just run in your terminal gulp test
to run the tests.
If you want to customize the module before using it, just start the development server with gulp dev
and you are ready to dev!
Thanks to SinnerSchrader for inspiring me at first to build this plugin.
Copyright (c) 2014 Maximilian Heinz, contributors. Released under the MIT, GPL licenses