This repository contains code written during my Ph.D thesis for "Optimal Kullback-Leibler Aggregation in Mixture Density Estimation by Maximum Likelihood" paper.
Note: this code is provided 'as-is' and need refactoring to be used. It relies heavily on Numba, comment @jit decorator for testing.
Several portions of this code come from different sources, some of which I did not referenced properly, nevertheless, I thank the authors.
the models present in this repository are:
- KL estimator for Mixture density estimation
- Experiments used on my thesis (
I also implemented
- Adaptitve Dantzig estimator from from K. Bertin, E. Le Pennec and V. Rivoirard
- SPADES estimator, by Florentina Bunea, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Marten H. Wegkamp and Adrian Barbu