Two_Y_Axes is software for plotting measured data exported from scholl experimenting system Vernier LabQuest2. It enables visualizing of data on graph with dual y axis.
- Clone or download repository
- (Reminder:)Python 2.7 must be installed on your computer.
- (Reminder:)The Tkinter module must be installed on your computer.
- (Reminder:)Matplotlib is also required. File "requirements.txt" is included for easy installation using pip. (Open console -> navigate to folder where you cloned or downloaded repository -> type: "pip install -r requirements.txt" -> hit Enter key -> wait until installation is completed.)
- Run script "" (Open console -> navigate to folder where you cloned or downloaded the repository -> type: ""
- Now the window should appear
- Click the button right next to Y1 entryBox with "..." on it
- File explorer window should appear
- In file explorer pick folder...
- Click the button right next to Y1 entryBox with "..." on it
- File explorer window should appear
- In file explorer pick folder...
- Fill all the remaining entry boxes
- Check distinguish lines for better appearance of the graph
- Hit OK button
- The window with graph in it should appear
NOTE: The graph will become chaotic when more than 4 lines per y axes are visualized