The Current Test Result Logger for TestNG (CTRL4TestNG) provides an SLF4J Logger that can be used from any TestNG method tied to an ITestResult (i.e. methods annotated as Test, BeforeClass, AfterClass, etc.). Each separate method will have its own unique Logger and can be used with TestNG's parallel testing support making it clear which logs came from which method even when data-driven by means of DataProviders and/or Factories.
Simply change your SLF4J Logger initializations in your code to use CTRL4TestNG's LOGGER
constant instead of SLF4J's LoggerFactory.
See CTRL4TestNGExampleTest for an example including example output.
constant is a public static
you can also use it through static import.
CTRL4TestNG forwards logging requests to a unique Logger for each Before/After/Test TestNG method. Each method's logger is named using the following format:
[method-name]{[method-parameters]} on [class-instance-string] in [xml-suite-name]
The class-instance-string is either the test class's toString()
return value, if overriden, or the test class's simple name.
The following example output is from running CTRL4TestNGExampleTest with TestNG.
11:11:09.335 [main] INFO log{} on DataDrivenClass{message=message 1} in ctrl4testng - message 1
11:11:09.339 [main] INFO log{} on DataDrivenClass{message=message 2} in ctrl4testng - message 2
11:11:09.342 [main] INFO info{message 1} on DataDrivenMethod{} in ctrl4testng - message 1
11:11:09.342 [main] INFO info{message 2} on DataDrivenMethod{} in ctrl4testng - message 2
11:11:09.344 [main] ERROR error{} on Simple{} in ctrl4testng - this is an error log message
11:11:09.346 [main] INFO info{} on Simple{} in ctrl4testng - this is an informational log message
11:11:09.347 [main] WARN warn{} on Simple{} in ctrl4testng - this is a warning log message
11:11:09.349 [main] INFO tearDownMethod{} on Simple{} in ctrl4testng - supports before and after methods too