TypedOperation provides type-safe chainable, nestable composition of NSOperations.
func doComputation() -> Int
let result: TypedOperation<Int> = TypedOperation {
result.map { someValue in
someValue * 10
try result.awaitResult() // 100
TypedOperation<Int>(constant: 10).flatMap { someInt in
TypedOperation(constant: someInt * 2)
}.awaitResult() // -> 20 :: Int
enum Error: ErrorType {
case SomeError
let handled = TypedOperation<Int>(error: Error.SomeError).handle { error in
return 10
handled.awaitResult() // => 10
Recover using another TypedOperation
let rescued = TypedOperation<Int>(error: Error.SomeError).rescue { error in
return TypedOperation<Int>(constant: 10)
rescued.awaitResult() // => 10
TypedOperation(constant: 10).onSuccess { result in
print("Result was \(result)")
}.onFailure { error in
print("Error was \(error)")
let joinedOperation = TypedOperation(constant: 10).join(TypedOperation(constant: 20))
try joinedOperation.awaitResult() // => Tuple2(10, 20)
Many existing libraries offer asynchronous methods which accept callback functions.
Using AsynchOperationAdapter
, you can wrap those existing asynchonrous operations
to produce TypedOperations
protocol SomeService {
func doAsyncThing(callback: (ResultType?, NSError?) -> ())
let service: SomeService = /* ... */
AsyncOperationAdapter<ResultType> { service.doAsyncThing(callback: $0) }
Or using NSURLSessions:
let url: NSURL! = NSURL(string: "http://api.example.com")
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration())
let op = AsyncOperationAdapter<NSData> { completionHandler in
let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) { (maybeData, maybeResponse, maybeError) in
completionHandler(maybeData, maybeError)
op.onSuccess { (response: NSData) in
TypedOperation is available as a cocoapod. In your Podfile
, add:
pod 'TypedOperation'
Then do the normal thing and run:
$ pod install
If all goes well, open the generated (or updated) xcworkspace and
add the following to any file where you'd like to use a TypedOperation
import TypedOperation